16.47. pansharpΒΆ

This tool reads in a high resolution grayscale file and a low resolution RGB file and produces a high resolution RGB file. The output image will be at the resolution of the grayscale image and will cover the region where the two images overlap. Both images must have georeferencing information. This can either be projection information in the image metadata or it can be a separate Worldview format XML camera file containing four ground control points (if using the tool with Digital Globe images).


pansharp [options] <grayscale image file> <color image file> <output image file>

Command-line options for pansharp:


Manually specify the bottom of the input data range.


Manually specify the top of the input data range.


Look for georeference data here if not present in the grayscale image.


Look for georeference data here if not present in the RGB image.


The nodata value to use for the output RGB file.

--threads <integer (default: 0)>

Select the number of threads to use for each process. If 0, use the value in ~/.vwrc.

--cache-size-mb <integer (default = 1024)>

Set the system cache size, in MB.

--tile-size <integer (default: 256 256)>

Image tile size used for multi-threaded processing.


Tell GDAL to not create bigtiffs.

--tif-compress <None|LZW|Deflate|Packbits (default: LZW)>

TIFF compression method.

-v, --version

Display the version of software.

-h, --help

Display this help message.