16.6. cam2map4stereo.py

This program takes similar arguments as the ISIS cam2map program, but takes two input images. With no arguments, the program determines the minimum overlap of the two images, and the worst common resolution, and then map-projects the two images to this identical area and resolution.

The detailed reasons for doing this, and a manual step-by-step walkthrough of what cam2map4stereo.py does is provided in the discussion on aligning images in the Tutorial.

The cam2map4stereo.py is also useful for selecting a subsection and/or reduced resolution portion of the full image. You can inspect a raw camera geometry image in qview after you have run spiceinit on it, select the latitude and longitude ranges, and then use cam2map4stereo.py’s --lat, --lon, and optionally --resolution options to pick out just the part you want.

Use the --dry-run option the first few times to get an idea of what cam2map4stereo.py does for you.

Command-line options for cam2map4stereo.py:

-h, --help

Display the help message.


Read the manual.

-m, --map <file.map>

The mapfile to use for cam2map.

-p, --pixres <PIXRES>

The pixel resolution mode to use for cam2map.

-r, --resolution <RESOLUTION>

Resolution of the final map for cam2map.

-i, --interp <INTERP>

Pixel interpolation scheme for cam2map.

-a, --lat <LAT>

Latitude range for cam2map, where LAT is of the form min:max. So to specify a latitude range between -5 and 10 degrees, it would look like --lat=-5:10.

-o, --lon <LON>

Longitude range for cam2map, where LON is of the form min:max. So to specify a longitude range between 45 and 47 degrees, it would look like --lon=40:47.

-n, --dry-run

Make calculations, and print the cam2map command that would be executed, but don’t actually run it.

--prefix <path>

Make all output files use this prefix. Default: no prefix.

-s, --suffix <suffix (default: map)>

Suffix that gets inserted in the output file names.