16.66. stereo

The stereo program takes as input a stereo pair of images that overlap with corresponding camera models and creates an output point cloud image that can be processed into a visualizable mesh or a DEM using point2mesh and point2dem respectively.

This program is deprecated and can be used only with ASP’s original block matching algorithm (ASP_BM). It is suggested to use instead parallel_stereo (Section 16.50).


stereo [options] <images> [<cameras>] <output_file_prefix>

Example (for ISIS):

stereo file1.cub file2.cub results/run

Example (for Digital Globe Earth images):

stereo file1.tif file2.tif file1.xml file2.xml results/run

See Section 3 for more details, and Section 8 for many usage examples.

16.66.1. Command-line options

-t, --session-type <type_name>

Select the stereo session type to use for processing. Usually the program can select this automatically by the file extension. See Section 16.50 for options.

-s, --stereo-file <filename (default: ./stereo.default)>

Define the stereo.default file to use.

-e, --entry-point <integer (from 0 to 5)>

Stereo Pipeline entry point. Start at this stage. See Section 16.50.2.

--stop-point <integer (from 1 to 6)>

Stereo Pipeline stop point (stop at the stage right before this).

--corr-seed-mode <integer (from 0 to 3)>

Correlation seed strategy (Section 17.2).

--threads <integer (default: 0)>

Select the number of threads to use for each process. If 0, use the value in ~/.vwrc.

--cache-size-mb <integer (default = 1024)>

Set the system cache size, in MB.

--tile-size <integer (default: 256 256)>

Image tile size used for multi-threaded processing.


Tell GDAL to not create bigtiffs.

--tif-compress <None|LZW|Deflate|Packbits (default: LZW)>

TIFF compression method.

-v, --version

Display the version of software.

-h, --help

Display the help message.

More information about additional options that can be passed to stereo via the command line or via the stereo.default configuration file can be found in Section 17. stereo creates a set of intermediate files, they are described in Section 19.