16.14. colormap

The colormap tool reads a DEM or some other single-channel image, and writes a corresponding color-coded image that can be used for visualization.


colormap [options] <input DEM>


colormap --min -5 --max 10 image.tif

This will produce image_CMAP.tif, with the “hottest” color corresponding to pixel values at least 10, and the “coolest” color representing pixel values less than or equal to -5.

To create a hillshaded (Section 16.25) colormap of a DEM, run:

hillshade  -e 25 -a 300 dem.tif -o shaded.tif
colormap dem.tif -s shaded.tif -o color-shaded.tif

See Section 6.2 for a discussion of ASP’s visualization tools, including this one.


Fig. 16.2 Example of images produced with the following colormaps (left to right, and top-down): binary-red-blue (default), jet, black-body, viridis, kindlmann, cubehelix, plasma, inferno, rainbow, turbo (source1, source2).

To add a colorbar and axes, use stereo_gui (Section 16.62.4).

16.14.1. Using your own colormap

Both this tool and stereo_gui (Section 16.62) accept a user-defined colormap. It should be in a file named, for example, mycolormap, and can be passed to these tools via --colormap-style mycolormap. Such a file must be in plain text, with four columns having on each row a floating point number (increasing from 0 to 1), then 3 integers between 0 and 255, corresponding to the RGB components of a color.

Here’s an example Python code which creates a custom colormap, by exporting it from a matplotlib colormap:


from matplotlib import cm

# colormap name goes here, e.g., 'turbo'
cmap = cm.turbo
num = cmap.N
for i in range(num):
   rgba = cmap(i)
   print(i / float(num - 1),
         round(255 * rgba[0]),
         round(255 * rgba[1]),
         round(255 * rgba[2]))

Save this script as export_colormap.py, and run it as:

python ~/bin/export_colormap.py > mycolormap

16.14.2. Command-line options for colormap

-s, --shaded-relief-file <filename>

Specify a shaded relief image (grayscale) to apply to the colorized image.

-o, --output-file <filename>

Specify the output file.

--colormap-style <string (default=”binary-red-blue”)>

Specify the colormap style. Options: binary-red-blue (default), jet, black-body, viridis, kindlmann, cubehelix, plasma, inferno, rainbow, turbo. Or specify the name of a file having the colormap, on each line of which there must be a normalized or percentage intensity and the three integer RGB values it maps to.

--nodata-value <arg>

Remap the DEM default value to the min altitude value.

--min <arg>

Minimum height of the color map.

--max <arg>

Maximum height of the color map.


Set the min and max height to good values for the Moon.


Set the min and max height to good values for Mars.


Generate an unlabeled legend, will be saved as legend.png.

--threads <integer (default: 0)>

Select the number of threads to use for each process. If 0, use the value in ~/.vwrc.

--cache-size-mb <integer (default = 1024)>

Set the system cache size, in MB.

--tile-size <integer (default: 256 256)>

Image tile size used for multi-threaded processing.


Tell GDAL to not create bigtiffs.

--tif-compress <None|LZW|Deflate|Packbits (default: LZW)>

TIFF compression method.

-v, --version

Display the version of software.

-h, --help

Display this help message.