6. The next steps

This chapter will discuss in more detail ASP’s stereo process and other tools available to either pre-process the input images/cameras or to manipulate parallel_stereo’s outputs, both in the context of planetary ISIS data and for Earth images. This includes how to customize parallel_stereo’s settings (Section 6.1), use point2dem to create 3D terrain models (Section 6.2), visualize the results (Section 6.2.6), bundle adjustment (Section 6.1.11), align the obtained point clouds to another data source (Section 6.1.12), perform 3D terrain adjustments in respect to a geoid (Section 6.2.4), converted to LAS (Section 6.2.5), etc.

It is suggested to read the tutorial (Section 3) before this chapter.

6.1. Stereo Pipeline in more detail

6.1.1. Choice of stereo algorithm

The most important choice a user has to make when running ASP is the stereo algorithm to use. By default, ASP runs as if invoked with:

parallel_stereo --alignment-method affineepipolar  \
  --stereo-algorithm asp_bm --subpixel-mode 1      \
  <other options>

This invokes block-matching stereo with parabola subpixel mode, which can be fast but not of high quality. Much better results are likely produced with:

parallel_stereo --alignment-method affineepipolar \
  --stereo-algorithm asp_mgm --subpixel-mode 9    \
  <other options>

which uses ASP’s implementation of MGM (Section 18.2). Using --subpixel-mode 3 will likely further improve the results, but will be slower. For best results one can use --subpixel-mode 2, but that is very slow. Do not use --subpixel-mode 1 with asp_mgm/asp_sgm as that produces artifacts. See Section 11.3 for more background on some subpixel modes.

For steep terrains it is suggested to mapproject the images (Section 6.1.7).

ASP also implements local alignment, when the input images are split into tiles (with overlap) and locally aligned. This makes it possible to use third-party algorithms in addition to the ones ASP implements.

With ASP’s own MGM algorithm this method can be run as:

parallel_stereo --alignment-method local_epipolar \
  --stereo-algorithm asp_mgm                      \
  <other options>

ASP also ships with the following third-party stereo algorithms: MGM (original author implementation), OpenCV SGBM, LIBELAS, MSMW, MSMW2, and OpenCV BM. For more details see Section

For example, the rather solid and reasonably fast OpenCV SGBM implementation can be called as:

parallel_stereo --alignment-method local_epipolar \
  --stereo-algorithm opencv_sgbm                  \
  --corr-tile-size 512 --sgm-collar-size 256      \
  <other options>

Above we used tiles of size 512 pixels with an extra padding of 256 pixels on each side, for a total size of 1024 pixels, to avoid using too much memory. The defaults in parallel_stereo are double these values, which work well with ASP’s MGM which is more conservative with its use of memory but can be too much for some other implementations.

It is suggested to not specify here --subpixel-mode, in which case it will use each algorithm’s own subpixel implementation. Using --subpixel-mode 3 will refine that result using ASP’s subpixel implementation. Using --subpixel-mode 2 will be much slower but likely produce even better results.

Next we will discuss more advanced parameters which rarely need to be set in practice.

6.1.2. Setting options in the stereo.default file

The parallel_stereo program can use a stereo.default file that contains settings that affect the stereo reconstruction process. Its contents can be altered for your needs; details are found in Section 17. You may find it useful to save multiple versions of the stereo.default file for various processing needs. If you do this, be sure to specify the desired settings file by invoking parallel_stereo with the -s option. If this option is not given, the parallel_stereo program will search for a file named stereo.default in the current working directory. If parallel_stereo does not find stereo.default in the current working directory and no file was given with the -s option, parallel_stereo will assume default settings and continue.

An example stereo.default file is available in the top-level directory of ASP. The actual file has a lot of comments to show you what options and values are possible. Here is a trimmed version of the important values in that file.

alignment-method affineepipolar
stereo-algorithm asp_bm
cost-mode 2
corr-kernel 21 21
subpixel-mode 1
subpixel-kernel 21 21

For the asp_sgm and asp_mgm algorithms, the default correlation kernel size is 5 x 5 rather than 21 x 21.

Note that the corr-kernel option does not apply to the external algorithms. Instead, each algorithm has its own options that need to be set (Section

All these options can be overridden from the command line, as described in Section 6.1.5. Alignment method

For raw images, alignment is always necessary, as the left and right images are from different perspectives. Several alignment methods are supported, including local_epipolar, affineepipolar and homography (see Section 17.1.2 for details).

Alternatively, stereo can be performed with mapprojected images (Section 6.1.7). In effect we take a smooth low-resolution terrain and map both the left and right raw images onto that terrain. This automatically brings both images into the same perspective, and as such, for mapprojected images the alignment method is always set to none. Stereo algorithms

ASP can invoke several algorithms for doing stereo, some internally implemented, some collected from the community, and the user can add their own algorithms as well (Section 18.8).

The list of algorithms is as follows. (See Section 18 for a full discussion.)

Algorithms implemented in ASP

asp_bm (or specify the value ‘0’)

The ASP implementation of Block Matching. Search in the right image for the best match for a small image block in the left image. This is the fastest algorithm and works well for similar images with good texture coverage. How to set the block (kernel) size and subpixel mode is described further down. See also Section 18.2.

asp_sgm (or specify the value ‘1’)

The ASP implementation of the Semi-Global Matching (SGM) algorithm [Hirschmuller08]. This algorithm is slow and has high memory requirements but it performs better in images with less texture. See Section 18.2 for important details on using this algorithm.

asp_mgm (or specify the value ‘2’)

The ASP implementation of the More Global Matching (MGM) variant of the SGM algorithm [FDFM15] to reduce high frequency artifacts in the output image at the cost of increased run time. See Section 18.2 for important details on using this algorithm.

asp_final_mgm (or specify the value ‘3’)

Use MGM on the final resolution level and SGM on preceding resolution levels. This produces a result somewhere in between the pure SGM and MGM options.

External implementations (shipped with ASP)


The MGM implementation by its authors. See Section 18.3.


Semi-global block-matching algorithm from OpenCV 3. See Section 18.4.


The LIBELAS algorithm [GRU10]. See Section 18.5.

msmw and msmw2

Multi-Scale Multi-Window algorithm (two versions provided). See Section 18.6.


Classical block-matching algorithm from OpenCV 3. See Section 18.7. Correlation parameters

The option corr-kernel in stereo.default define what correlation metric (normalized cross correlation) we’ll be using and how big the template or kernel size should be (21 pixels square). A pixel in the left image will be matched to a pixel in the right image by comparing the windows of this size centered at them.

Making the kernel sizes smaller, such as 15 × 15, or even 11 × 11, may improve results on more complex features, such as steep cliffs, at the expense of perhaps introducing more false matches or noise.

These options only to the algorithms implemented in ASP (those whose name is prefixed with asp_). For externally implemented algorithms, any options to them can be passed as part of the stereo-algorithm field, as discussed in Section 18. Subpixel refinement parameters

A highly critical parameter in ASP is the value of subpixel-mode. When set to 1, parallel_stereo performs parabola subpixel refinement, which is very fast but not very accurate. When set to 2, it produces very accurate results, but it is about an order of magnitude slower. When set to 3, the accuracy and speed will be somewhere in between the other methods.

For the algorithms not implemented in ASP itself, not specifying this field will result in each algorithm using its own subpixel mode.

The option subpixel-kernel sets the kernel size to use during subpixel refinement (also 21 pixels square). Search range determination

Using these settings alone, ASP will attempt to work out the minimum and maximum disparity it will search for automatically. However if you wish to, you can explicitly set the extent of the search range by adding the option:

corr-search -80 -2 20 2

The search range determined automatically can then be tightened using the option --max-disp-spread (Section 17) before full-image resolution happens.

It is suggested that these settings be used only if the run-time is high or the inputs are difficult. For more details see Section 11.2.2. The inner working of stereo correlation can be found in Section 11.

6.1.3. Performing stereo correlation

Outputs of the ``parallel_stereo`` program.

Fig. 6.1 These are the four viewable .tif files created by the parallel_stereo program. On the left are the two aligned, pre-processed images: (results/output-L.tif and results/output-R.tif). The next two are mask images (results/output-lMask.tif and results/output-rMask.tif), which indicate which pixels in the aligned images are good to use in stereo correlation. The image on the right is the “Good Pixel map”, (results/output-GoodPixelMap.tif), which indicates (in gray) which were successfully matched with the correlator, and (in red) those that were not matched.

As already mentioned, the parallel_stereo program can be invoked for ISIS images as:

ISIS> parallel_stereo left_image.cub right_image.cub \
          -s stereo.default results/output

For DigitalGlobe/Maxar images the cameras need to be specified separately:

parallel_stereo left.tif right.tif left.xml right.xml \
  -s stereo.default results/output

The string results/output is arbitrary, and in this case we will simply make all outputs go to the results directory.

When parallel_stereo finishes, it will have produced a point cloud image. Section 6.2 describes how to convert it to a digital elevation model (DEM) or other formats.

The parallel_stereo program can be used purely for computing the correlation (disparity) of two images, without cameras (Section 16.17).

The quality of correlation can be evaluated with the corr_eval program (Section 16.16).

The parallel_stereo command can also take multiple input images, performing multi-view stereo (Section 6.1.8), though this approach is rather discouraged as better results can be obtained with bundle adjustment followed by pairwise stereo and merging of DEMs with dem_mosaic.

6.1.4. Running the GUI frontend

The stereo_gui program is a GUI frontend to parallel_stereo. It is invoked with the same options as parallel_stereo (except for the more specialized ones such as --job-size-h, etc.). It displays the input images, and makes it possible to zoom in and select smaller regions to run stereo on. The GUI is described in Section 16.62.

6.1.5. Specifying settings on the command line

All the settings given via the stereo.default file can be over-ridden from the command line. Just add a double hyphen (--) in front the option’s name and then fill out the option just as you would in the configuration file. For options in the stereo.default file that take multiple numbers, they must be separated by spaces (like corr-kernel 25 25) on the command line. Here is an example in which we override the search range and subpixel mode from the command line.

ISIS> parallel_stereo E0201461.map.cub M0100115.map.cub \
          -s stereo.map --corr-search -70 -4 40 4       \
          --subpixel-mode 0 results/output

6.1.6. Stereo on multiple machines

If the input images are really large it may desirable to distribute the work over several computing nodes. For that the --nodes-list option of parallel_stereo can be used. See Section 16.45.

6.1.7. Running stereo with mapprojected images

The way stereo correlation works is by matching a neighborhood of each pixel in the left image to a similar neighborhood in the right image. This matching process can fail or become unreliable if the two images are too different, which can happen for example if the perspectives of the two cameras are very different, the underlying terrain has steep portions, or because of clouds and deep shadows. This can result in large disparity search ranges, long run times, and ASP producing 3D terrains with noise or missing data.

ASP can mitigate this by mapprojecting the left and right images onto some pre-existing low-resolution smooth terrain model without holes, and using the output images to do stereo. In effect, this makes the images much more similar and more likely for stereo correlation to succeed.

In this mode, ASP does not create a terrain model from scratch, but rather uses an existing terrain model as an initial guess, and improves on it. Choice of initial guess terrain model

For Earth, an existing terrain model can be, for example, the Copernicus 30 m DEM from:

or the NASA SRTM DEM (available on the same web site as above), GMTED2010, USGS’s NED data, or NGA’s DTED data.

The Copernicus 30 m DEM heights are relative to the EGM96 geoid. Any such DEM must be converted to WGS84 ellipsoid heights, for any processing to be accurate (Section

If your cameras have a lower resolution, such as SPOT 5, which may be on the order of 5-7 m/pixel, the resolution of the DEM above may be too high, and this may create ghosting artifacts if used for mapprojection. The initial DEM can be smoothed first, for example, with the command:

dem_mosaic --dem-blur-sigma 2 dem.tif -o dem_sigma2.tif

The amount of blur may depend on the input DEM resolution, image ground sample distance, and how misregistered the initial DEM is relative to the images. One can experiment on a clip with values 1 and 2 for sigma, for example.

There exist pre-made terrain models for other planets as well, for example the Moon LRO LOLA global DEM and the Mars MGS MOLA DEM. Additionally, for Mars, consider downloading HRSC DEMs from:

or DEMs based on HRSC, CTX, and HiRISE cameras from:

Check, as before, if your DEM is relative to the areoid rather than an ellipsoid (Section Some Mars DEMs may have an additional 190 meter vertical offset (such as the dataset molaMarsPlanetaryRadius0001.cub shipped with ISIS data), which can be taken care of with image_calc (Section 16.30).

Alternatively, a low-resolution smooth DEM can be obtained by running ASP itself as described in previous sections. In such a run, subpixel mode may be set to parabola (subpixel-mode 1) for speed. To make it sufficiently coarse and smooth, the resolution can be set to about 40 times coarser than either the default point2dem resolution or the resolution of the input images. If the resulting DEM turns out to be noisy or have holes, one could change in point2dem the search radius factor, use hole-filling, invoke more aggressive outlier removal, and erode pixels at the boundary (those tend to be less reliable). Alternatively, holes can be filled with dem_mosaic. Conversion of initial guess terrain to ellipsoid heights

It is very important that your DEM be relative to a datum/ellipsoid (such as WGS84), and not to a geoid/areoid, such as EGM96.

A DEM relative to a geoid/areoid must be converted so that its heights are relative to an ellipsoid. The gdalwarp program in recent versions of GDAL and our own dem_geoid tool (Section 16.18) can be used to perform the necessary conversions, if needed. For example, with dem_geoid, one can convert EGM96 heights to WGS84 with the command:

dem_geoid --geoid egm96 --reverse-adjustment \
  dem.tif -o dem

This will create dem-adj.tif. Resolution of mapprojection

It is very important to specify the same resolution (ground sample distance) when mapprojecting the images (option --tr for mapproject, Section 16.37), in order for the images to have the same scale and avoid big search range issues later in correlation.

Normally, mapproject is rather good at auto-guessing the resolution, so this tool can be invoked with no specification of the resolution for the left image, then then gdalinfo can be used to find the obtained pixel size, and that value can be used with the right image.

If these two images have rather different auto-determined resolutions, it is suggested that the smaller ground sample distance be used for both, or otherwise something in the middle.

Using a ground sample distance which is too different than what is appropriate can result in aliasing in mapprojected images and artifacts in stereo. Example for ISIS images

DEMs from camera geometry images and from mapprojected images.

Fig. 6.2 A DEM obtained using plain stereo (left) and stereo with mapprojected images (right). Their quality will be comparable for relatively flat terrain and the second will be much better for rugged terrain. The right image has some artifacts, but those are limited to areas close to the boundary. Things can be further improved with the asp_mgm algorithm (Section 6.1).

This example illustrates how to run stereo with mapprojected images for ISIS data. For an alternative approach using cam2map, see Section 11.4.3.

We start with LRO NAC Lunar images M1121224102LE and M1121209902LE from ASU’s LRO NAC web site (https://wms.lroc.asu.edu/lroc/search), fetching them as:

wget http://pds.lroc.asu.edu/data/LRO-L-LROC-2-EDR-V1.0/LROLRC_0015/DATA/ESM/2013111/NAC/M1121224102LE.IMG
wget http://pds.lroc.asu.edu/data/LRO-L-LROC-2-EDR-V1.0/LROLRC_0015/DATA/ESM/2013111/NAC/M1121209902LE.IMG

We convert them to ISIS cubes using the ISIS program lronac2isis, then we use the ISIS tools spiceinit, lronaccal, and lrnonacecho to update the SPICE kernels and to do radiometric and echo correction. This process is described in Section 8.8.4. We name the two obtained .cub files left.cub and right.cub.

Here we decided to run ASP to create the low-resolution DEM needed for mapprojection, rather than get them from an external source. For speed, we process just a small portion of the images:

parallel_stereo left.cub right.cub            \
  --left-image-crop-win 1984 11602 4000 5000  \
  --right-image-crop-win 3111 11027 4000 5000 \
  --job-size-w 1024 --job-size-h 1024         \
  --subpixel-mode 1                           \

(the crop windows can be determined using stereo_gui, Section 16.62.7). The input images have resolution of about 1 meter, or \(3.3 \times 10^{-5}\) degrees on the Moon. We create the low-resolution DEM using a resolution 40 times as coarse, so we use a grid size of 0.0013 degrees (we use degrees since the default point2dem projection invoked here is longlat).

point2dem --search-radius-factor 5 --tr 0.0013 run_nomap/run-PC.tif

As mentioned earlier, some experimentation with the parameters used by point2dem may be necessary for this low-resolution DEM to be smooth enough and with no holes.

We used --search-radius-factor 5 to expand the DEM a bit, to counteract future erosion at image boundary in stereo due to the correlation kernel size. This is optional.

If this terrain is close to the poles, say within 25 degrees of latitude, it is advised to use a stereographic projection, centered either at the nearest pole, or close to the center of the current DEM. Its center’s longitude and latitude can be found with gdalinfo -stats, which can then be passed to point2dem such as:

point2dem --stereographic --proj-lon <lon_ctr> --proj-lat <lat_ctr> ...

By calling gdalinfo -proj4, the PROJ.4 string of the obtained DEM can be found, which can be used in mapprojection later, and with the resolution switched to meters from degrees (see Section for more details).

Next, we mapproject the images onto this DEM, using the original resolution of \(3.3 \times 10^{-5}\) degrees, using the mapproject program (Section 16.37):

mapproject --tr 0.000033 run_nomap/run-DEM.tif           \
  left.cub left_proj.tif                                 \
  --t_projwin 3.6175120 25.5669989 3.6653695 25.4952127
mapproject --tr 0.000033 run_nomap/run-DEM.tif           \
  right.cub right_proj.tif                               \
  --t_projwin 3.6175120 25.5669989 3.6653695 25.4952127

Notice that we used the same resolution for both images (Section, and that we restricted the area of computation using --t_projwin to again make the process faster.

Next, we do stereo with these mapprojected images:

parallel_stereo --job-size-w 1024 --job-size-h 1024 \
  --subpixel-mode 3                                 \
  left_proj.tif right_proj.tif left.cub right.cub   \
  run_map/run run_nomap/run-DEM.tif

Notice that even though we use mapprojected images, we still specified the original images as the third and fourth arguments. That because we need the camera information from those files. The fifth argument is the output prefix, while the sixth is the low-resolution DEM we used for mapprojection. We have used here --subpixel-mode 3 as this will be the final point cloud and we want the increased accuracy.

Lastly, we create a DEM at 1 meter resolution:

point2dem --nodata-value -32768 --tr 0.000033 run_map/run-PC.tif

We could have used a coarser resolution for the final DEM, such as 4 meters/pixel, since we won’t see detail at the level of 1 meter in this DEM, as the stereo process is lossy. This is explained in more detail in Section 16.50.3.

In Fig. 6.2 we show the effect of using mapprojected images on accuracy of the final DEM.

Some experimentation on a small area may be necessary to obtain the best results. Once images are mapprojected, they can be cropped to a small shared region using gdal_translate -projwin and then stereo with these clips can be invoked.

We could have mapprojected the images using the ISIS tool cam2map, as described in Section 11.4.3. The current approach may be preferable since it allows us to choose the DEM to mapproject onto, and it is faster, since ASP’s mapproject uses multiple processes, while cam2map is restricted to one process and one thread. Example for DigitalGlobe/Maxar images

In this section we will describe how to run stereo with mapprojected images for DigitalGlobe/Maxar cameras for Earth. The same process can be used for any satellite images from any vendor (Section

Unlike the previous section, here we will use an external DEM to mapproject onto, rather than creating our own. We will use a variant of NASA SRTM data with no holes. See Section for how to fetch such a terrain. We will name this DEM ref_dem.tif.

It is important to note that ASP expects the input low-resolution DEM to be in reference to a datum ellipsoid, such as WGS84 or NAD83. If the DEM is in respect to either the EGM96 or NAVD88 geoids, the ASP tool dem_geoid can be used to convert the DEM to WGS84 or NAD83 (Section 16.18). (The same tool can be used to convert back the final output ASP DEM to be in reference to a geoid, if desired.)

Not applying this conversion might not properly negate the parallax seen between the two images, though it will not corrupt the triangulation results. In other words, sometimes one may be able to ignore the vertical datums on the input but we do not recommend doing that. Also, you should note that the geoheader attached to those types of files usually does not describe the vertical datum they used. That can only be understood by careful reading of your provider’s documents.

Below are the commands for mapprojecting the input and then running through stereo. You can use any projection you like as long as it preserves detail in the images. Note that the last parameter in the stereo call is the input low-resolution DEM. The dataset is the same as the one used in Section 5.2.


Fig. 6.3 Example colorized height map and ortho image output. Commands

mapproject -t rpc --t_srs "+proj=eqc +units=m +datum=WGS84" \
  --tr 0.5 ref_dem.tif                                      \
  12FEB12053305-P1BS_R2C1-052783824050_01_P001.TIF          \
  12FEB12053305-P1BS_R2C1-052783824050_01_P001.XML          \

mapproject -t rpc --t_srs "+proj=eqc +units=m +datum=WGS84" \
  --tr 0.5 ref_dem.tif                                      \
  12FEB12053341-P1BS_R2C1-052783824050_01_P001.TIF          \
  12FEB12053341-P1BS_R2C1-052783824050_01_P001.XML          \

parallel_stereo --subpixel-mode 1                           \
  --alignment-method none                                   \
  left_mapproj.tif right_mapproj.tif                        \
  12FEB12053305-P1BS_R2C1-052783824050_01_P001.XML          \
  12FEB12053341-P1BS_R2C1-052783824050_01_P001.XML          \
  dg/dg ref_dem.tif

It is very important to specify the argument -t rpc to mapproject, as otherwise the exact DG model will be used, which is slower and not what parallel_stereo expects later.

The same appropriately chosen resolution setting (option --tr) must be used for both images to avoid long run-times and artifacts (Section

If the --t_srs option is not specified, it will be read from the low-resolution input DEM.

The complete list of options for mapproject is described in Section 16.37.

In the parallel_stereo command, we have used subpixel-mode 1 which is less accurate but reasonably fast. We have also used alignment-method none, since the images are mapprojected onto the same terrain with the same resolution, thus no additional alignment is necessary. More details about how to set these and other parallel_stereo parameters can be found in Section 6.1.2.

Note here that any DigitalGlobe/Maxar camera file has two models in it, the exact linescan model (which we name DG), and its RPC approximation. Above, we have used the approximate RPC model for mapprojection, since mapprojection is just a pre-processing step to make the images more similar to each other, this step will be undone during stereo triangulation, and hence using the RPC model is good enough, while being much faster than the exact DG model.

When parallel_stereo runs with mapprojected images above, it will run as if invoked with the``-t dgmaprpc`` stereo session, signaling that the images were mapprojected with RPC cameras but the triangulation happens with the exact DG cameras. Mapprojection with other camera models

Stereo with mapprojected images can be used with any camera model supported by ASP, including RPC (Section 8.18), Pinhole (Section 10.2), CSM (Section 8.12), OpticalBar (Section 8.23), etc. The mapproject command needs to be invoked with -t rpc, -t pinhole, etc., and normally it auto-detects this option (except when a camera file has both DG and RPC cameras).

The cameras can also be bundle-adjusted, as discussed later.

As earlier, when invoking parallel_stereo with mapprojected images, the first two arguments should be these images, followed by the camera models, output prefix, and the name of the DEM used for mapprojection.

The session name (-t) passed to parallel_stereo should be rpcmaprpc, pinholemappinhole, or just rpc, pinhole, etc. Normally this is detected and set automatically, except for the dg and rpc ambiguity, as discussed right above.

The stereo command with mapprojected images when the cameras are stored separately is along the lines of:

parallel_stereo -t rpc --stereo-algorithm asp_mgm  \
  left.map.tif right.map.tif left.xml right.xml    \
  run/run ref_dem.tif


parallel_stereo -t pinhole --stereo-algorithm asp_mgm  \
  left.map.tif right.map.tif left.tsai right.tsai      \
  run/run ref_dem.tif

and when the cameras are embedded in the images, it is:

parallel_stereo -t rpc --stereo-algorithm asp_mgm \
  left.map.tif right.map.tif run/run ref_dem.tif

If your cameras have been corrected with bundle adjustment (Section 16.5), one should pass --bundle-adjust-prefix to all mapproject and parallel_stereo invocations. See also Section 16.47.12 for when alignment was used as well. Reusing a run with mapprojected images

Mapprojection of input images is a preprocessing step, to help rectify them. The camera model type, bundle adjust prefix, and even camera names used in mapprojection are completely independent of the camera model type, bundle adjust prefix, and camera names used later in stereo with these mapprojected images.

Moreover, once stereo is done with one choices of these, the produced run can be reused with a whole new set of choices, with only the triangulation step needing to be redone. That because the correlation between the images is still valid when the cameras change.

As an example, in the scenario in Section, we mapprojected with the RPC camera model, so with -t rpc, and no bundle adjustment. For stereo, one can use -t dg or -t rpc, and add or not --bundle-adjust-prefix.

Once such a run is done, using say the output prefix dg/dg, parallel_stereo can be done with the option --prev-run-prefix dg/dg, a new output prefix, and modifications to the variables above, which will redo only the triangulation step.

Even the camera files can be changed for stereo (only with the latest build, post version 3.2.0). For example, jitter_solve (Section 16.34) can produce CSM cameras given input cameras in Maxar / DigitalGlobe .xml files or input CSM .json files (Section 8.12). So, if stereo was done with mapprojected images named left_mapproj.tif and right_mapproj.tif, with cameras with names like left.xml and right.xml, before solving for jitter, and this solver produced cameras of the form adjusted_left.json, adjusted_right.json, the reuse of the previous run can be done as:

parallel_stereo -t csmmaprpc             \
  left_mapproj.tif right_mapproj.tif     \
  adjusted_left.json adjusted_right.json \
  --prev-run-prefix dg/dg                \
  jitter/run                             \

Under the hood, this will read the metadata from the mapprojected images (Section 16.37.2), will look up the original left.xml and right.xml cameras, figure out what camera model was used in mapprojection (in this case, rpc), will undo the mapprojection with this data, and then will do the triangulation with the new cameras.

It is very important that --bundle-adjust-prefix needs to be used or not depending on the circumstances. For example, jitter-solved cameras already incorporate any prior bundle adjustment that jitter_solve was passed on input, so it was not specified in the above invocation, and in fact the results would be wrong if it was specified.

6.1.8. Multi-view stereo

ASP supports multi-view stereo at the triangulation stage. This mode is somewhat experimental, and not used widely. We have obtained higher quality results by doing pairwise stereo and merging the results, as described later on in this section.

In the multiview scenario, the first image is set as reference, disparities are computed from it to all the other images, and then joint triangulation is performed [SSL01]. A single point cloud is generated with one 3D point for each pixel in the first image. The inputs to multi-view stereo and its output point cloud are handled in the same way as for two-view stereo (e.g., inputs can be mapprojected, the output can be converted to a DEM, etc.).

It is suggested that images be bundle-adjusted (Section 12.2) before running multi-view stereo.

Example (for ISIS with three images):

parallel_stereo file1.cub file2.cub file3.cub results/run

Example (for DigitalGlobe/Maxar data with three mapprojected images):

parallel_stereo file1.tif file2.tif file3.tif \
  file1.xml file2.xml file3.xml               \
  results/run input-DEM.tif

For a sequence of images, multi-view stereo can be run several times with each image as a reference, and the obtained point clouds combined into a single DEM using point2dem (Section 16.50).

The ray intersection error, the fourth band in the point cloud file, is computed as twice the mean of distances from the optimally computed intersection point to the individual rays. For two rays, this agrees with the intersection error for two-view stereo which is defined as the minimal distance between rays. For multi-view stereo this error is much less amenable to interpretation than for two-view stereo, since the number of valid rays corresponding to a given feature can vary across the image, which results in discontinuities in the intersection error. Other ways of combining multiple images

As an alternative to multi-view stereo, point clouds can be generated from multiple stereo pairs, and then a single DEM can be created with point2dem (Section 6.2.2). Or, multiple DEMs can be created, then combined into a single DEM with dem_mosaic (Section 16.19).

In both of these approaches, the point clouds could be registered to a trusted dataset using pc_align before creating a combined terrain model (Section 6.1.12).

The advantage of creating separate DEMs and then merging them (after alignment) with dem_mosaic, compared to multiview triangulation, is that this approach will not create visible seams, while likely it will still increase the accuracy compared to the individual input DEMs.

6.1.9. Diagnosing problems

Once invoked, parallel_stereo proceeds through several stages that are detailed in Section 16.45.2. Intermediate and final output files are generated as it goes. See Section 19, page for a comprehensive listing. Many of these files are useful for diagnosing and debugging problems. For example, as Fig. 6.1 shows, a quick look at some of the TIFF files in the results/ directory provides some insight into the process.

Perhaps the most accessible file for assessing the quality of your results is the good pixel image (results/output-GoodPixelMap.tif). If this file shows mostly good, gray pixels in the overlap area (the area that is white in both the results/output-lMask.tif and results/output-rMask.tif files), then your results are just fine. If the good pixel image shows lots of failed data, signified by red pixels in the overlap area, then you need to go back and tune your stereo.default file until your results improve. This might be a good time to make a copy of stereo.default as you tune the parameters to improve the results.

Disparity images produced using the ``disparitydebug`` tool.

Fig. 6.4 Disparity images produced using the disparitydebug tool. The two images on the left are the results/output-D-H.tif and results/output-D-V.tif files, which are normalized horizontal and vertical disparity components produced by the disparity map initialization phase. The two images on the right are results/output-F-H.tif and results/output-F-V.tif, which are the final filtered, sub-pixel-refined disparity maps that are fed into the Triangulation phase to build the point cloud image. Since these MOC images were acquired by rolling the spacecraft across-track, most of the disparity that represents topography is present in the horizontal disparity map. The vertical disparity map shows disparity due to “wash-boarding”, which is not due to topography but because of spacecraft movement. Note however that the horizontal and vertical disparity images are normalized independently. Although both have the same range of gray values from white to black, they represent significantly different absolute ranges of disparity.

Whenever parallel_stereo, point2dem, and other executables are run, they create log files in given tool’s results directory, containing a copy of the configuration file, the command that was run, your system settings, and tool’s console output. This will help track what was performed so that others in the future can recreate your work.

Another handy debugging tool is the disparitydebug program (Section 16.21), which allows you to generate viewable versions of the intermediate results from the stereo correlation algorithm. disparitydebug converts information in the disparity image files into two TIFF images that contain horizontal and vertical components of the disparity (i.e. matching offsets for each pixel in the horizontal and vertical directions). There are actually three flavors of disparity map: the -D.tif, the -RD.tif, and -F.tif. You can run disparitydebug on any of them. Each shows the disparity map at the different stages of processing.

disparitydebug results/output-F.tif

If the output H and V files from disparitydebug look good, then the point cloud image is most likely ready for post-processing. You can proceed to make a mesh or a DEM by processing results/output-PC.tif using the point2mesh or point2dem tools, respectively.

Fig. 6.4 shows the outputs of disparitydebug.

If the input images are mapprojected (georeferenced) and the alignment method is none, all images output by stereo are georeferenced as well, such as GoodPixelMap, D_sub, disparity, etc. As such, all these data can be overlayed in stereo_gui. disparitydebug also preserves any georeference.

6.1.10. Dealing with long run-times and failures

If stereo_corr takes unreasonably long, it may have encountered a portion of the image where, due to noise (such as clouds, shadows, etc.) the determined search range is much larger than what it should be.

With the default block-matching algorithm, --stereo-algorithm asp_bm, the option --corr-timeout integer can be used to limit how long each 1024 × 1024 pixel tile can take. A good value here could be 300 (seconds) or more if your terrain is expected to have large height variations.

If using the asp_sgm or asp_mgm algorithms, one can use a lower value for --corr-memory-limit-mb (Section 18.2). One may also tighten --outlier-removal-params (Section 17), or mapproject the images (Section 6.1.7). A smaller manual search range can also be specified (Section

If a run failed partially during correlation, it can be resumed with the parallel_stereo option --resume-at-corr (Section 16.45). A ran can be started at the triangulation stage after making changes to the cameras while reusing a previous run with the option --prev-run-prefix.

If a run failed due to running out of memory with asp_mgm/asp_sgm, also consider lowering the value of --processes.

See also Section 5.4 with considers the situation that clouds are present in the input images. The suggestions there may apply in other contexts as well.

On Linux, the parallel_stereo program writes in each output tile location a file of the form:

<tile prefix>-<program name>-resource-usage.txt

having the elapsed time and memory usage, as output by /usr/bin/time. This can guide tuning of parameters to reduce resource usage.

6.1.11. Correcting camera positions and orientations

The bundle_adjust program (Section 16.5) can be used to adjust the camera positions and orientations before running stereo. These adjustments makes the cameras self-consistent, but not consistent with the ground.

A stereo terrain created with bundle-adjusted cameras can be aligned to an existing reference using pc_align (Section 6.1.12). The same alignment transform can be applied to the bundle-adjusted cameras (Section 16.47.12).

6.1.12. Alignment to point clouds from a different source

Often the 3D terrain models output by parallel_stereo (point clouds and DEMs) can be intrinsically quite accurate yet their actual position on the planet may be off by several meters or several kilometers, depending on the spacecraft. This can result from small errors in the position and orientation of the satellite cameras taking the pictures.

Such errors can be corrected in advance using bundle adjustment, as described in the previous section. That requires using ground control points, that may not be easy to collect. Alternatively, the images and cameras can be used as they are, and the absolute position of the output point clouds can be corrected in post-processing. For that, ASP provides a tool named pc_align. It aligns a 3D terrain to a much more accurately positioned (if potentially sparser) dataset. Such datasets can be made up of GPS measurements (in the case of Earth), or from laser altimetry instruments on satellites, such as ICESat/GLASS for Earth, LRO/LOLA on the Moon, and MGS/MOLA on Mars. Under the hood, pc_align uses the Iterative Closest Point algorithm (ICP) (both the point-to-plane and point-to-point flavors are supported, and with point-to-point ICP it is also possible to solve for a scale change).

The pc_align tool requires another input, an a priori guess for the maximum displacement we expect to see as result of alignment, i.e., by how much the points are allowed to move when the alignment transform is applied. If not known, a large (but not unreasonably so) number can be specified. It is used to remove most of the points in the source (movable) point cloud which have no chance of having a corresponding point in the reference (fixed) point cloud.

Here is how pc_align can be called (the denser cloud is specified first).

pc_align results

Fig. 6.5 Example of using pc_align to align a DEM obtained using stereo from CTX images to a set of MOLA tracks. The MOLA points are colored by the offset error initially (left) and after pc align was applied (right) to the terrain model. The red dots indicate more than 100 m of error and blue less than 5 m. The pc_align algorithm determined that by moving the terrain model approximately 40 m south, 70 m west, and 175 m vertically, goodness of fit between MOLA and the CTX model was increased substantially.

pc_align --max-displacement 200 --datum MOLA   \
  --save-inv-transformed-reference-points      \
  --csv-format '1:lon 2:lat 3:radius_m'        \
  stereo-PC.tif mola.csv

It is important to note here that there are two widely used Mars datums, and if your CSV file has, unlike above, the heights relative to a datum, the correct datum name must be specified via --datum. Section 16.50.2 talks in more detail about the Mars datums.

See an illustration in Fig. 6.5.

An alignment transform can be applied to cameras models (Section 16.47.12). The complete documentation for this program is in Section 16.47.

6.1.13. Validation of alignment

The pc_align program can save the source cloud after being aligned to the reference cloud and vice-versa, via --save-transformed-source-points and --save-inv-transformed-reference-points. To validate that the aligned source cloud is very close to the reference cloud, DEMs can be made out of them with point2dem, and those can be overlayed in stereo_gui (Section 16.62) for inspection.

Alternatively, the geodiff program (Section 16.23) can be used to compute the (absolute) difference between aligned DEMs, which can be colorized with colormap (Section 16.14). The geodiff tool can take the difference between a DEM and a CSV file as well.

6.1.14. Alignment and orthoimages

Two related issues are discussed here. The first is that sometimes, after ASP has created a DEM, and the left and right images are mapprojected to it, they are shifted in respect to each other. That is due to the errors in camera positions. To rectify it, one has to run bundle_adjust first, then rerun the stereo and mapprojection tools, with the adjusted cameras being passed to both via --bundle-adjust-prefix.

Note that this approach will create self-consistent outputs, but not necessarily aligned with pre-existing ground truth. That we deal with next.

Once an ASP-generated DEM has been aligned to known ground data using pc_align, it may be desired to create orthoimages that are also aligned to the ground. That can be accomplished in two ways.

The point2dem --orthoimage approach be used, and one can pass to it the point cloud after alignment and the L image before alignment (all this tool does is copy pixels from the texture image, so position errors are not a problem).

Alternatively, one can invoke the mapproject tool again. Yet, there is a challenge, because this tool uses the original cameras, before alignment, but will project onto the DEM after alignment, so the obtained orthoimage location on the ground will be wrong.

The solution is to invoke bundle_adjust on the two input images and cameras, while passing to it the transform obtained from pc_align via the --initial-transform option. This will shift the cameras to the right place, and then mapproject can be called with the adjusted cameras, using again the --bundle-adjust-prefix option. If all that is wanted is to shift the cameras, without doing any actual adjustments, the tool can be invoked with the option --apply-initial-transform-only.

6.2. Visualizing and manipulating the results

When parallel_stereo finishes, it will have produced a point cloud image, with a name like results/output-PC.tif (Section 19), which can be used to create many kinds of data products, such as DEMs, orthoimages, textured meshes, LAS files, colormaps (Section 16.14), hillshaded images (Section 6.2.6), etc. DEMs can also be mosaicked (Section 16.19), aligned (Section 6.1.12), etc.

A visualization of a mesh.

Fig. 6.6 A visualization of a mesh.

6.2.1. Building a 3D mesh model

The point2mesh command (Section 16.52) can be used to create a 3D textured mesh in the plain text .obj format that can be opened in a mesh viewer such as MeshLab. The point2mesh program takes the point cloud file and the left normalized image as inputs:

point2mesh results/output-PC.tif results/output-L.tif

An example visualization is shown in Fig. 6.6.

If you already have a DEM and an ortho image (Section 6.2.2), they can be used to build a mesh as well, in the same way as done above:

point2mesh results/output-DEM.tif results/output-DRG.tif

6.2.2. Building a digital elevation model and ortho image

The point2dem program (Section 16.50) creates a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from the point cloud file.

point2dem results/output-PC.tif

The resulting TIFF file is mapprojected and will contain georeference information stored as a GeoTIFF header.

The tool will infer the datum and projection from the input images, if present. You can explicitly specify a coordinate system (e.g., mercator, sinusoidal) and a reference spheroid (i.e., calculated for the Moon, Mars, or Earth). Alternatively, the datum semi-axes can be set or a PROJ.4 string can be passed in.

point2dem -r mars results/output-PC.tif

The output DEM will be named results/output-DEM.tif. It can be imported into a variety of GIS platforms. The DEM can be transformed into a hill-shaded image for visualization (Section 6.2.6). The DEM can be examined in stereo_gui, as:

stereo_gui --hillshade results/output-DEM.tif

The point2dem program can also be used to orthoproject raw satellite images onto the DEM. To do this, invoke point2dem just as before, but add the --orthoimage option and specify the use of the left image file as the texture file to use for the projection:

point2dem results/output-PC.tif --orthoimage results/output-L.tif

The texture file L.tif must always be specified after the point cloud file PC.tif in this command.

This produces results/output-DRG.tif, which can be visualized in stereo_gui. See Fig. 6.7 on the right for the output image.

To fill in any holes in the obtained orthoimage, one can invoke it with a larger value of the grid size (the --tr option) and/or with a variation of the options:

--no-dem --orthoimage-hole-fill-len 100 --search-radius-factor 2

The point2dem program is also able to accept output projection options the same way as the tools in GDAL. Well-known EPSG, IAU2000 projections, and custom PROJ.4 strings can applied with the target spatial reference set flag, --t_srs. If the target spatial reference flag is applied with any of the reference spheroid options, the reference spheroid option will overwrite the datum defined in the target spatial reference set. The following examples produce the same output. However, the last two results will also show correctly the name of the datum in the geoheader, not just the values of its axes.

point2dem --t_srs "+proj=longlat +a=3396190 +b=3376200"          \

point2dem --t_srs http://spatialreference.org/ref/iau2000/49900/ \

point2dem --t_srs                                                \
  'GEOGCS["Geographic Coordinate System",
     UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]'                         \

The point2dem program can be used in many different ways. The complete documentation is in Section 16.50.

Normalized DEM and orthoimage.

Fig. 6.7 The image on the left is a normalized DEM (generated using the point2dem option -n), which shows low terrain values as black and high terrain values as white. The image on the right is the left input image projected onto the DEM (created using the --orthoimage option to point2dem).

6.2.3. Orthorectification of an image from a different source

If you have already obtained a DEM, using ASP or some other approach, and have an image and camera pair which you would like to overlay on top of this terrain, use the mapproject tool (Section 16.37).

6.2.4. Creating DEMs relative to the geoid/areoid

The DEMs generated using point2dem are in reference to a datum ellipsoid. If desired, the dem_geoid (Section 16.18) program can be used to convert this DEM to be relative to a geoid/areoid on Earth/Mars respectively. Example usage:

dem_geoid results/output-DEM.tif

6.2.5. Converting to the LAS format

If it is desired to use the parallel_stereo generated point cloud outside of ASP, it can be converted to the LAS file format, which is a public file format for the interchange of 3-dimensional point cloud data. The tool point2las can be used for that purpose (Section 16.51). Example usage:

point2las --compressed -r Earth results/output-PC.tif

6.2.6. Generating color hillshade maps

Once you have generated a DEM file, you can use the colormap and hillshade tools to create colorized and/or shaded relief images.

To create a colorized version of the DEM, you need only specify the DEM file to use. The colormap is applied to the full range of the DEM, which is computed automatically. Alternatively you can specify your own min and max range for the color map.

colormap results/output-DEM.tif -o colorized.tif

See Section 16.14 for available colormap styles and illustrations for how they appear.

To create a hillshade of the DEM, specify the DEM file to use. You can control the azimuth and elevation of the light source using the -a and -e options.

hillshade results/output-DEM.tif -o shaded.tif -e 25 -a 300

To create a colorized version of the shaded relief file, specify the DEM and the shaded relief file that should be used:

colormap results/output-DEM.tif -s shaded.tif -o color-shaded.tif

See Fig. 6.8 showing the images obtained with these commands.

The complete documentation for colormap is in Section 16.14, and for hillshade in Section 16.25.


Fig. 6.8 The colorized DEM, the shaded relief image, and the colorized hillshade.

6.2.7. Building overlays for Moon and Mars mode in Google Earth

Sometimes it may be convenient to see how the DEMs and orthoimages generated by ASP look on top of existing images in Google Earth. ASP provides a tool named image2qtree for that purpose. It creates multi-resolution image tiles and a metadata tree in KML format that can be loaded into Google Earth from your local hard drive or streamed from a remote server over the Internet.

The image2qtree program can only be used on 8-bit image files with georeferencing information (e.g. grayscale or RGB GeoTIFF images). In this example, it can be used to process

results/output-DEM-normalized.tif, results/output-DRG.tif, shaded.tif,
colorized.tif, and shaded-colorized.tif.

These images were generated respectively by using point2dem with the -n option creating a normalized DEM, the --orthoimage option to point2dem which projects the left image onto the DEM, and the images created earlier with colormap.

Here’s an example of how to invoke this program:

image2qtree shaded-colorized.tif -m kml --draw-order 100

Fig. 6.9 shows the obtained KML files in Google Earth.

The complete documentation is in Section 16.28.


Fig. 6.9 The colorized hillshade DEM as a KML overlay.

6.2.8. Using DERT to visualize terrain models

The open source Desktop Exploration of Remote Terrain (DERT) software tool can be used to explore large digital terrain models, like those created by the Ames Stereo Pipeline. For more information, visit https://github.com/nasa/DERT.

6.2.9. Using Blender to visualize meshes

The point2mesh program will create .obj and .mtl files that you can import directly into Blender (https://www.blender.org/). Remember that .obj files don’t particularly have a way to specify ‘units’ but the ‘units’ of an .obj file written out by ASP are going to be ‘meters.’ If you open a large .obj model created by ASP (like HiRISE), you’ll need to remember to move the default viewpoint away from the origin, and extend the clipping distance to a few thousand (which will be a few kilometers), otherwise it may ‘appear’ that the model hasn’t loaded (because your viewpoint is inside of it, and you can’t see far enough).

The default step size for point2mesh is 10, which only samples every 10th point, so you may want to read the documentation which talks more about the -s argument to point2mesh. Depending on how big your model is, even that might be too small, and I’d be very cautious about using -s 1 on a HiRISE model that isn’t cropped somehow first.

You can also use point2mesh to pull off this trick with terrain models you’ve already made (maybe with SOCET or something else). Our point2mesh program certainly knows how to read our ASP *-PC.tif files, but it can also read GeoTIFFs. So if you have a DEM as a GeoTIFF, or an ISIS cube which is a terrain model (you can use gdal_translate to convert them to GeoTIFFs), then you can run point2mesh on them to get .obj and .mtl files.

6.2.10. Using MeshLab to visualize meshes

MeshLab is another program that can view meshes in .obj files. It can be downloaded from:


and can be installed and run in user’s directory without needing administrative privileges.

6.2.11. Using QGIS to visualize terrain models

The free and open source geographic information system QGIS (https://qgis.org) as of version 3.0 has a 3D Map View feature that can be used to easily visualize perspective views of terrain models.

After you use point2dem to create a terrain model (the *-DEM.tif file), or both the terrain model and an ortho image via --orthoimage (the *-DRG.tif file), those files can be loaded as raster data files, and the ‘New 3D Map View’ under the View menu will create a new window, and by clicking on the wrench icon, you can set the DEM file as the terrain source, and are able to move around a perspective view of your terrain.