16.5. bundle_adjust

The bundle_adjust program performs bundle adjustment on a given set of images and cameras. An introduction to bundle adjustment, and some advanced usage, including solving for intrinsics, can be found in Section 12. If it is desired to process a large number of images, consider using parallel_bundle_adjust (Section 16.43).

This tool solves a least squares problem (Section 16.5.4). It uses Google’s Ceres Solver.


bundle_adjust <images> <cameras> <optional ground control points> \
  -o <output prefix> [options]

16.5.1. Examples

Example for ISIS cameras (Section 2.1.1):

bundle_adjust --camera-weight 0 --tri-weight 0.1 \
  file1.cub file2.cub file3.cub -o run_ba/run

The above choices for camera weight and triangulation weight are a recent implementation and suggested going forward, but not yet the defaults. These are helpful in preventing the cameras from drifting too far from initial locations.

Example for Maxar (DigitalGlobe) Earth data (Section 5). Ground control points are used (Section 16.5.5):

bundle_adjust --camera-weight 0 --tri-weight 0.1       \
  file1.tif file2.tif file1.xml file2.xml gcp_file.gcp \
  --datum WGS_1984 -o run_ba/run --num-passes 2

Here, we invoked the tool with two passes, which also enables removal of outliers (see option --remove-outliers-params, Section 16.5.9).

Examples for RPC cameras (Section 8.18). With the cameras stored separately:

bundle_adjust -t rpc left.tif right.tif left.xml right.xml \
  -o run_ba/run

With the cameras embedded in the images:

bundle_adjust -t rpc left.tif right.tif -o run_ba/run

Example for generic Pinhole cameras (Section 20.1), using optional estimated camera positions:

bundle_adjust file1.JPG file2.JPG file1.tsai file2.tsai   \
   -o run_ba/run -t nadirpinhole --inline-adjustments     \
   --datum WGS_1984 --camera-positions nav_data.csv       \
   --csv-format "1:file 6:lat 7:lon 9:height_above_datum"

Here we assumed that the cameras point towards some planet’s surface and used the nadirpinhole session. If this assumption is not true, one should use the pinhole session or the --no-datum option.

Example when it is desired to distribute the interest points somewhat uniformly (helpful when different parts of image have different properties):

bundle_adjust image1.tif image2.tif          \
    image1.tsai image2.tsai                  \
    --ip-per-tile 300 --matches-per-tile 100 \
    --max-pairwise-matches 20000             \
    --camera-weight 0 --tri-weight 0.1       \
    --remove-outliers-params '75 3 10 10'    \
    -o run_ba/run

For very large images, the number of interest points and matches per tile (whose size is 1024 pixels on the side) should decrease from the above.

For images that have very large variation in elevation, it is suggested to use bundle adjustment with the option --mapprojected-data. An example is given in Section 16.62.12.

16.5.2. Large-scale bundle adjustment

Bundle adjustment has been tested extensively and used successfully with thousands of frame (pinhole) cameras and with close to 1000 linescan cameras.

This tool provides options for constraints relative to a known ground, can constrain the camera positions and orientations, and can apply an alignment transform to the cameras (Section 16.47.12).

Attention to choices of parameters and solid validation is needed in such cases. The tool creates report files with various metrics that can help judge how good the solution is (Section 16.5.7).

Large-scale usage of bundle adjustment is illustrated in the SkySat processing example (Section 8.22), with many Pinhole cameras, and with a large number of linescan Lunar images with variable illumination (Section 13.9). See Section 12 for how to solve for intrinsics.

See also the related jitter-solving tool (Section 16.34), and the rig calibrator (Section 16.53).

16.5.3. Use of the results

This tool will write the adjustments to the cameras as *.adjust files starting with the specified output prefix (Section 16.5.8). In order for stereo to use the adjusted cameras, it should be passed this output prefix via the option --bundle-adjust-prefix. For example:

stereo file1.cub file2.cub run_stereo/run \
  --bundle-adjust-prefix run_ba/run

The same option can be used with mapprojection (this example has the cameras in .xml format):

mapproject input-DEM.tif image.tif camera.xml mapped_image.tif \
  --bundle-adjust-prefix run_ba/run

If the --inline-adjustments option is used, no separate adjustments will be written, rather, the tool will save to disk copies of the input cameras with adjustments already applied to them. These output cameras can then be passed directly to stereo:

stereo file1.JPG file2.JPG run_ba/run-file1.tsai \
  run_ba/run-file2.tsai run_stereo/run

The bundle_adjust program can read camera adjustments from a previous run, via --input-adjustments-prefix string. It can also apply to the input cameras a transform as output by pc_align, via --initial-transform string. This is useful if a DEM produced by ASP was aligned to a ground truth, and it is desired to apply the same alignment to the cameras that were used to create that DEM. The initial transform can have a rotation, translation, and scale, and it is applied after the input adjustments are read, if those are present. An example is shown in (Section 16.47.12).

The match files created by bundle_adjust can be used later by other bundle_adjust or parallel_stereo invocations, with the options --match-files-prefix and --clean-match-files-prefix.

16.5.4. How bundle adjustment works

Features are matched across images. Rays are cast though matching features using the cameras, and triangulation happens, creating points on the ground. More than two rays can meet at one triangulated point, if a feature was successfully identified in more than two images. The triangulated point is projected back in the cameras. The sum of squares of differences (also called residuals) between the pixel coordinates of the features and the locations where the projections in the cameras occur is minimized. To not let outliers dominate, a robust “loss” function is applied to each error term to attenuate the residuals if they are too big. See the Google Ceres documentation on robust cost functions.

The option --cost-function controls the type of loss function, and --robust-threshold option is used to decide at which value of the residuals the attenuation starts to work. The option --min-triangulation-angle is used to eliminate triangulated points for which all the rays converging to it are too close to being parallel. Such rays make the problem less well-behaved. The option --remove-outliers-params is used to filter outliers if more than one optimization pass is used. See Section 16.5.9 for more options. See Section 12 for a longer explanation.

The variables of optimization are the camera positions and orientations, and the triangulated points on the ground. The intrinsics can be optimized as well, either as a single set for all cameras or individually (Section 12.2.1). Triangulated points can be constrained via --tri-weight or --heights-from-dem.

Ground control points can be used to incorporate measurements as part of the constraints.

16.5.5. Ground control points File format

A number of plain-text files containing ground control points (GCP) can be passed as inputs to bundle_adjust. These can either be created by hand, or using stereo_gui (Section 16.62.11).

A GCP file must end with a .gcp extension, and contain one ground control point per line. Each line must have the following fields:

  • ground control point id (integer)

  • latitude (in degrees)

  • longitude (in degrees)

  • height above datum (in meters), with the datum itself specified separately, via --datum

  • \(x, y, z\) standard deviations (three positive floating point numbers, smaller values suggest more reliable measurements)

On the same line, for each image in which the ground control point is visible there should be:

  • image file name

  • column index in image (float)

  • row index in image (float)

  • column and row standard deviations (two positive floating point numbers, smaller values suggest more reliable measurements)

The fields can be separated by spaces or commas. Here is a sample representation of a ground control point measurement:

5 23.7 160.1 427.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 image1.tif 124.5 19.7 1.0 1.0 image2.tif 254.3 73.9 1.0 1.0

When the --use-lon-lat-height-gcp-error flag is used, the three standard deviations are interpreted as applying not to \(x, y, z\) but to latitude, longitude, and height above datum (in this order). Hence, if the latitude and longitude are known accurately, while the height less so, the third standard deviation can be set to something larger.

Such a .gcp file then can be passed to bundle_adjust as shown earlier, with one or more images and cameras, and the obtained adjustments can be used with stereo or mapproject as described above. Effect on optimization

Each ground control point will result in the following terms being added to the cost function:

\[\frac{(x-x_0)^2}{std_x^2} + \frac{(y-y_0)^2}{std_y^2} + \frac{(z-z_0)^2}{std_z^2}\]

Here, \((x_0, y_0, z_0)\) is the input GCP, \((x, y, z)\) is its version being optimized, and the standard deviations are from above. No robustified bound is applied to these error terms (see below).

Note that the cost function normally contains sums of squares of pixel differences (Section 16.5.4), while these terms are dimensionless, if the numerators and denominators are assumed to be in meters. Care should be taken that these terms not be allowed to dominate the cost function at the expense of other terms.

The sums of squares of differences between projections into the cameras of the GCP and the pixel values specified in the GCP file will be added to the bundle adjustment cost function, with each difference being divided by the corresponding pixel standard deviation. To prevent these from dominating the problem, each such error has a robust cost function applied to it, just as done for the regular reprojection errors without GCP. See the Google Ceres documentation on robust cost functions. See also --cost-function and --robust-threshold option descriptions (Section 16.5.9).

The GCP pixel residuals (divided by the pixel standard deviations) will be saved as the last lines of the report files ending in pointmap.csv (see Section 16.5.7 for more details). Differences between initial and optimized GCP will be printed on screen.

To not optimize the GCP, use the option --fix-gcp-xyz.

16.5.6. Creating or transforming pinhole cameras using GCP

If for a given image the intrinsics of the camera are known, and also the longitude and latitude (and optionally the heights above the datum) of its corners (or of some other pixels in the image), the bundle_adjust tool can create an initial camera position and orientation, and hence a complete pinhole camera. See Section 10.4 for more details.

If desired to use GCP to apply a transform to a given self-consistent camera set, see Section 10.2.3.

16.5.7. Output files Camera projection errors and triangulated points

If the --datum option is specified or auto-guessed based on images and cameras, bundle_adjust will write the triangulated world position for every feature being matched in two or more images, and the mean absolute residuals (that is, reprojection errors, Section 12) for each position, before the first and after the last optimization pass, in geodetic coordinates. The files are named




Here is a sample file:

# lon, lat, height_above_datum, mean_residual, num_observations
-55.11690935, -69.34307716, 4.824523817, 0.1141333633, 2

The field num_observations counts in how many images each triangulated point is seen.

Such files can be plotted and overlayed with stereo_gui (Section 16.62.5) to see at which triangulated points the reprojection errors are large and their geographic locations.

Residuals corresponding to GCP will be printed at the end of these files and flagged with the string # GCP.

The command:

geodiff --absolute --csv-format '1:lon 2:lat 3:height_above_datum' \
  {output-prefix}-final_residuals_pointmap.csv dem.tif

(Section 16.23) can be used to evaluate how well the residuals agree with a given DEM. That can be especially useful if bundle adjustment was invoked with the --heights-from-dem option.

One can also invoke point2dem with the above --csv-format option to grid these files to create a coarse DEM (also for the error residuals).

The final triangulated positions can be used for alignment with pc_align (Section 16.47). Then, use --min-triangulation-angle 15.0 with bundle adjustment or some other higher value, to filter out unreliably triangulated points. (This still allows, for example, to have a triangulated point obtained by the intersection of three rays, with some of those rays having an angle of at least this while some a much smaller angle.)

The initial and final mean and median of residual error norms for the pixels each camera, and their count, are written to residuals_stats.txt files in the output directory.

As a finer-grained metric, initial and final raw_pixels.txt files will be written, having the row and column residuals (reprojection errors) for each pixel in each camera. Convergence angles

The convergence angle percentiles for rays emanating from matching interest points and intersecting on the ground (Section 8.1) are saved to:


There is one entry for each pair of images having matches. Camera positions and orientations

If the cameras are Pinhole and a datum exists, the camera names, camera centers (in meters, in ECEF coordinates), as well as the rotations from each camera to world North-East-Down (NED) coordinates at the camera center are saved to:


(before and after optimization; in either case, after any initial transform and/or adjustments are applied). These are useful for analysis when the number of cameras is large and the images are acquired in quick succession (such as for SkySat data, Section 8.22). Note that such a rotation determines a camera’s orientation in NED coordinates. A conversion to geodetic coordinates for the position and to Euler angles for the orientation may help with this data’s interpretation. Registration errors on the ground

If the option --mapproj-dem (with a DEM file as a value) is specified, each pair of interest point matches (after bundle adjustment and outlier removal) will be projected onto this DEM, and the midpoint location and distance between these points will be found. This data will be saved to:


having the longitude, latitude, and height above datum of the midpoint, and the above-mentioned distance between these projections (in meters).

Ideally these distances should all be zero if the mapprojected images agree perfectly. This makes it easy to see which camera images are misregistered.

This file is very analogous to the pointmap.csv file, except that these errors are measured on the ground in meters, and not in the cameras in pixels. This file can be displayed and colorized in stereo_gui as a scatterplot (Section 16.62.5).

In addition, more condensed statistics will be saved as well. The file:


will be written. It will have the percentiles,(25%, 50%, 75%, 85%, 95%) of these disagreements for each image against the rest, and for each pair of images, also in units of meter.

This stats file is very useful at estimating the quality of registration with the optimized cameras between the images and to the ground.

16.5.8. Format of .adjust files

Unless bundle_adjust is invoked with the --inline-adjustments option, when it modifies the cameras in-place, it will save the camera adjustments in .adjust files using the specified output prefix. Such a file stores a translation T as x, y, z (measured in meters) and a rotation R as a quaternion in the order w, x, y, z. The rotation is around the camera center C for pixel (0, 0) (for a linescan camera the camera center depends on the pixel).

Hence, if P is a point in ECEF, that is, the world in which the camera exists, and an adjustment is applied to the camera, projecting P in the original camera gives the same result as projecting:

P' = R * (P - C) + C + T

in the adjusted camera.

Note that currently the camera center C is not exposed in the .adjust file, so external tools cannot recreate this transform. This will be rectified at a future time.

Adjustments are relative to the initial cameras, so a starting adjustment has the zero translation and identity rotation (quaternion 1, 0, 0, 0). Pre-existing adjustments can be specified with --input-adjustments-prefix.

16.5.9. Command-line options for bundle_adjust

-h, --help

Display the help message.

-o, --output-prefix <filename>

Prefix for output filenames.

--cost-function <string (default: Cauchy)>

Choose a cost function from: Cauchy, PseudoHuber, Huber, L1, L2

--robust-threshold <double (default:0.5)>

Set the threshold for robust cost functions. Increasing this makes the solver focus harder on the larger errors. See the Google Ceres documentation on robust cost functions.

--datum <string>

Set the datum. This will override the datum from the input images and also --t_srs, --semi-major-axis, and --semi-minor-axis. Options:

  • WGS_1984

  • D_MOON (1,737,400 meters)

  • D_MARS (3,396,190 meters)

  • MOLA (3,396,000 meters)

  • NAD83

  • WGS72

  • NAD27

  • Earth (alias for WGS_1984)

  • Mars (alias for D_MARS)

  • Moon (alias for D_MOON)

--semi-major-axis <float (default: 0)>

Explicitly set the datum semi-major axis in meters.

--semi-minor-axis <float (default: 0)>

Explicitly set the datum semi-minor axis in meters.

-t, --session-type <string>

Select the stereo session type to use for processing. Usually the program can select this automatically by the file extension, except for xml cameras. See Section 16.45.3 for options.

--min-matches <integer (default: 30)>

Set the minimum number of matches between images that will be considered.

--max-pairwise-matches <integer (default: 10000)>

Reduce the number of matches per pair of images to at most this number, by selecting a random subset, if needed. This happens when setting up the optimization, and before outlier filtering.

--num-iterations <integer (default: 100)>

Set the maximum number of iterations.

--parameter-tolerance <double (default: 1e-8)>

Stop when the relative error in the variables being optimized is less than this.

--overlap-limit <integer (default: 0)>

Limit the number of subsequent images to search for matches to the current image to this value. By default try to match all images. See also --auto-overlap-params.

--overlap-list <string>

A file containing a list of image pairs, one pair per line, separated by a space, which are expected to overlap. Matches are then computed only among the images in each pair.

--auto-overlap-params <string (default: “”)>

Determine which camera images overlap by finding the lon-lat bounding boxes of their footprints given the specified DEM, expanding them by a given percentage, and see if those intersect. A higher percentage should be used when there is more uncertainty about the input camera poses. Example: ‘dem.tif 15’.

--auto-overlap-buffer <double (default: not set)>

Try to automatically determine which images overlap. Used only if this option is explicitly set. Only supports Worldview style XML camera files. The lon-lat footprints of the cameras are expanded outwards on all sides by this value (in degrees), before checking if they intersect.


Match the first several images to last several images by extending the logic of --overlap-limit past the last image to the earliest ones.

--tri-weight <double (default: 0.0)>

The weight to give to the constraint that optimized triangulated points stay close to original triangulated points. A positive value will help ensure the cameras do not move too far, but a large value may prevent convergence. It is suggested to use here 0.1 to 0.5 divided by image gsd. Does not apply to GCP or points constrained by a DEM via --heights-from-dem. This adds a robust cost function with the threshold given by --tri-robust-threshold. Set --camera-weight to 0 when using this.

--tri-robust-threshold <double (default: 0.1)>

Use this robust threshold to attenuate large differences between initial and optimized triangulation points, after multiplying them by --tri-weight.

--rotation-weight <double (default: 0.0)>

A higher weight will penalize more camera rotation deviations from the original configuration. This adds to the cost function the per-coordinate differences between initial and optimized normalized camera quaternions, multiplied by this weight, and then squared. No robust threshold is used to attenuate this term.

--translation-weight <double (default: 0.0)>

A higher weight will penalize more camera center deviations from the original configuration. This adds to the cost function the per-coordinate differences between initial and optimized camera positions, multiplied by this weight, and then squared. No robust threshold is used to attenuate this term.

--camera-weight <double(=1.0)>

The weight to give to the constraint that the camera positions/orientations stay close to the original values. A higher weight means that the values will change less. The options --rotation-weight and --translation-weight can be used for finer-grained control.

--ip-per-tile <integer (default: unspecified)>

How many interest points to detect in each \(1024^2\) image tile (default: automatic determination). This is before matching. Not all interest points will have a match. See also --matches-per-tile.

--ip-per-image <integer>

How many interest points to detect in each image (default: automatic determination). It is overridden by --ip-per-tile if provided.

--ip-detect-method <integer (default: 0)>

Choose an interest point detection method from: 0=OBAloG, 1=SIFT, 2=ORB.

--matches-per-tile <int (default: unspecified)>

How many interest point matches to compute in each image tile (of size normally \(1024^2\) pixels). Use a value of --ip-per-tile a few times larger than this. See an example in Section 16.5.1. See also --matches-per-tile-params.

--matches-per-tile-params <int int (default: 1024 1280)>

To be used with --matches-per-tile. The first value is the image tile size for both images. A larger second value allows each right tile to further expand to this size, resulting in the tiles overlapping. This may be needed if the homography alignment between these images is not great, as this transform is used to pair up left and right image tiles.

--epipolar-threshold <double (default: -1)>

Maximum distance from the epipolar line to search for IP matches. If this option isn’t given, it will default to an automatic determination.

--ip-inlier-factor <double (default: 1.0/15)>

A higher factor will result in more interest points, but perhaps also more outliers.

--ip-uniqueness-threshold <double (default: 0.8)>

A higher threshold will result in more interest points, but perhaps less unique ones.

--nodata-value <double(=NaN)>

Pixels with values less than or equal to this number are treated as no-data. This overrides the no-data values from input images.


Individually normalize the input images instead of using common values.


If this is set, and the input cameras are of the pinhole or panoramic type, apply the adjustments directly to the cameras, rather than saving them separately as .adjust files.

--input-adjustments-prefix <string>

Prefix to read initial adjustments from, written by a previous invocation of this program.

--initial-transform <string>

Before optimizing the cameras, apply to them the 4 × 4 rotation + translation transform from this file. The transform is in respect to the planet center, such as written by pc_align’s source-to-reference or reference-to-source alignment transform. Set the number of iterations to 0 to stop at this step. If --input-adjustments-prefix is specified, the transform gets applied after the adjustments are read.

--fixed-camera-indices <string>

A list of indices, in quotes and starting from 0, with space as separator, corresponding to cameras to keep fixed during the optimization process.


A file having a list of images (separated by spaces or newlines) whose cameras should be fixed during optimization.


If the GCP are highly accurate, use this option to not float them during the optimization.


When having GCP, interpret the three standard deviations in the GCP file as applying not to x, y, and z, but rather to latitude, longitude, and height.


Optimize intrinsic camera parameters. Only used for pinhole cameras.

--intrinsics-to-float <arg>

If solving for intrinsics and desired to float only a few of them, specify here, in quotes, one or more of: focal_length, optical_center, other_intrinsics. Not specifying anything, will float all of them, if --solve-intrinsics is specified.

--intrinsics-to-share <arg>

If solving for intrinsics and desired to share only a few of them, specify here, in quotes, one or more of: focal_length, optical_center, other_intrinsics. By default all of the intrinsics are shared, so to not share any of them pass in a blank string.

--intrinsics-limits <arg>

Set a string in quotes that contains min max ratio pairs for intrinsic parameters. For example, “0.8 1.2” limits the parameter to changing by no more than 20 percent. The first pair is for focal length, the next two are for the center pixel, and the remaining pairs are for other intrinsic parameters. If too many pairs are passed in the program will throw an exception and print the number of intrinsic parameters the cameras use. Cameras adjust all of the parameters in the order they are specified in the camera model unless it is specified otherwise in Section 20.1. Unfortunately, setting limits can greatly slow down the solver.

--num-passes <integer (default: 2)>

How many passes of bundle adjustment to do, with given number of iterations in each pass. For more than one pass, outliers will be removed between passes using --remove-outliers-params, and re-optimization will take place. Residual files and a copy of the match files with the outliers removed (*-clean.match) will be written to disk.

--num-random-passes <integer (default: 0)>

After performing the normal bundle adjustment passes, do this many more passes using the same matches but adding random offsets to the initial parameter values with the goal of avoiding local minima that the optimizer may be getting stuck in. Only the results for the optimization pass with the lowest error are kept.

--remove-outliers-params <’pct factor err1 err2’ (default: ‘75.0 3.0 2.0 3.0’)>

Outlier removal based on percentage, when more than one bundle adjustment pass is used. Triangulated points (that are not GCP) with reprojection error in pixels larger than: min(max(<pct>-th percentile * <factor>, <err1>), <err2>) will be removed as outliers. Hence, never remove errors smaller than <err1> but always remove those bigger than <err2>. Specify as a list in quotes. Also remove outliers based on distribution of interest point matches and triangulated points.

--elevation-limit <min max>

Remove as outliers interest points (that are not GCP) for which the elevation of the triangulated position (after cameras are optimized) is outside of this range. Specify as two values.

--lon-lat-limit <min_lon min_lat max_lon max_lat>

Remove as outliers interest points (that are not GCP) for which the longitude and latitude of the triangulated position (after cameras are optimized) are outside of this range. Specify as four values.

--reference-terrain <filename>

An externally provided trustworthy 3D terrain, either as a DEM or as a lidar file, very close (after alignment) to the stereo result from the given images and cameras that can be used as a reference, instead of GCP, to optimize the intrinsics of the cameras.

--max-num-reference-points <integer (default: 100000000)>

Maximum number of (randomly picked) points from the reference terrain to use.

--disparity-list <’filename12 filename23 …’>

The unaligned disparity files to use when optimizing the intrinsics based on a reference terrain. Specify them as a list in quotes separated by spaces. First file is for the first two images, second is for the second and third images, etc. If an image pair has no disparity file, use ‘none’.

--max-disp-error <double (default: -1)>

When using a reference terrain as an external control, ignore as outliers xyz points which projected in the left image and transported by disparity to the right image differ by the projection of xyz in the right image by more than this value in pixels.

--reference-terrain-weight <double (default: 1)>

How much weight to give to the cost function terms involving the reference terrain.

--heights-from-dem <string>

If the cameras have already been bundle-adjusted and aligned to a known high-quality DEM, in the triangulated xyz points replace the heights with the ones from this DEM, and fix those points unless --heights-from-dem-weight is positive. In that case multiply the differences between the triangulated points and their corresponding DEM points by this weight in bundle adjustment. It is strongly suggested to pick positive and small values of --heights-from-dem-weight and --heights-from-dem-robust-threshold with this option. See Section

--heights-from-dem-weight <double (default: 1.0)>

How much weight to give to keep the triangulated points close to the DEM if specified via --heights-from-dem. If the weight is not positive, keep the triangulated points fixed. This value should be inversely proportional with ground sample distance, as then it will convert the measurements from meters to pixels, which is consistent with the reprojection error term.

--heights-from-dem-robust-threshold <double (default: 0.5)>

If positive, this is the robust threshold to use keep the triangulated points close to the DEM if specified via --heights-from-dem. This is applied after the point differences are multiplied by --heights-from-dem-weight. It should help with attenuating large height difference outliers.

--mapproj-dem <string (default: “”)>

If specified, mapproject every pair of matched interest points onto this DEM and compute their distance, then percentiles of such distances for each image pair and for each image vs the rest. This is done after bundle adjustment and outlier removal. Measured in meters. See Section for more details.

--reference-dem <string>

If specified, intersect rays from matching pixels with this DEM, find the average, and constrain during optimization that rays keep on intersecting close to this point. This works even when the rays are almost parallel, but then then consider using the option --forced-triangulation-distance. See also --reference-dem-weight and --reference-dem-robust-threshold.

--reference-dem-weight <double (default: 1.0)>

Multiply the xyz differences for the --reference-dem option by this weight. This is being tested.

--reference-dem-robust-threshold <double (default: 0.5)>

Use this robust threshold for the weighted xyz differences with the --reference-dem option. This is being tested.

--csv-format <string>

Specify the format of input CSV files as a list of entries column_index:column_type (indices start from 1). Examples: 1:x 2:y 3:z (a Cartesian coordinate system with origin at planet center is assumed, with the units being in meters), 5:lon 6:lat 7:radius_m (longitude and latitude are in degrees, the radius is measured in meters from planet center), 3:lat 2:lon 1:height_above_datum, 1:easting 2:northing 3:height_above_datum (need to set --csv-proj4; the height above datum is in meters). Can also use radius_km for column_type, when it is again measured from planet center.

--csv-proj4 <string>

The PROJ.4 string to use to interpret the entries in input CSV files, if those files contain Easting and Northing fields.

--min-triangulation-angle <degrees (default: 0.1)>

A triangulated point will be accepted as valid only if at least two of the rays which converge at it have a triangulation angle of at least this (measured in degrees).

--ip-triangulation-max-error <float>

When matching IP, filter out any pairs with a triangulation error higher than this.

--forced-triangulation-distance <meters>

When triangulation fails, for example, when input cameras are inaccurate, artificially create a triangulation point this far ahead of the camera, in units of meters. Some of these may later be filtered as outliers.

--ip-num-ransac-iterations <iterations (default: 1000)>

How many RANSAC iterations to do in interest point matching.


Save the initial control network containing all interest points in the format used by ground control points, so it can be inspected.

--camera-positions <filename>

CSV file containing estimated positions of each camera. Only used with the inline-adjustments setting to initialize global camera coordinates. If used, the csv-format setting must also be set. The “file” field is searched for strings that are found in the input image files to match locations to cameras.


Given an image, a pinhole camera lacking correct position and orientation, and a GCP file, find the pinhole camera with given intrinsics most consistent with the GCP (Section 10.4).


Given at least 3 GCP, with each seen in at least 2 images, find the triangulated positions based on pixels values in the GCP, and apply a rotation + translation + scale transform to the entire camera system so that the the triangulated points get mapped to the ground coordinates in the GCP.


Given a set of GCP, with at least two images having at least three GCP each (but with each GCP not shared among the images), transform the cameras to ground coordinates. This is not as robust as --transform-cameras-with-shared-gcp.


Do not try to initialize pinhole camera coordinates using provided GCP coordinates. This ignored as is now the default. See also: --init-camera-using-gcp.

--position-filter-dist <max_dist (default: -1.0)>

If estimated camera positions are used, this option can be used to set a threshold distance in meters between the cameras. If any pair of cameras is farther apart than this distance, the tool will not attempt to find matching interest points between those two cameras.


Force reusing the match files even if older than the images or cameras.


Only use image matches which can be loaded from disk. This implies --force-reuse-match-files.

--match-files-prefix <string (default: “”)>

Use the match files from this prefix instead of the current output prefix. This implies --skip-matching.

--clean-match-files-prefix <string (default: “”)>

Use as input match files the *-clean.match files from this prefix. This implies --skip-matching.


Enable the step of performing datum-based rough homography for interest point matching. This is best used with reasonably reliable input cameras and a wide footprint on the ground.


Skip the step of performing datum-based rough homography. This obsolete option is ignored as it is the default.


Enable triangulation-based interest points filtering. This is best used with reasonably reliable input cameras.


Disable triangulation-based interest points filtering. This obsolete option is ignored as is the default.


Do not assume a reliable datum exists, such as for irregularly shaped bodies or when at the ground level. This is also helpful when the input cameras are not very accurate, as this option is used to do some camera-based filtering of interest points.

--mapprojected-data <string>

Given map-projected versions of the input images and the DEM they were mapprojected onto, create interest point matches among the mapprojected images, unproject and save those matches, then continue with bundle adjustment. Existing match files will be reused. Specify the mapprojected images and the DEM as a string in quotes, separated by spaces. The DEM must be the last file. See Section 16.62.12 for an example.


Save the values for the cameras at each iteration.


Apply to the cameras the transform given by --initial-transform. No iterations, GCP loading, image matching, or report generation take place. Using --num-iterations 0 and without this option will create those.


A file containing the list of images, when they are too many to specify on the command line. Use space or newline as separator. See also --camera-list and --mapprojected-data-list.


A file containing the list of cameras, when they are too many to specify on the command line. If the images have embedded camera information, such as for ISIS, this file must be empty but must be specified if --image-list is specified.


A file containing the list of mapprojected images and the DEM (see --mapprojected-data), when they are too many to specify on the command line. The DEM must be the last entry.


Flag as outliers input triangulated points not in this proj win (box in projected units as provided by --proj_str). This should be generous if the input cameras have significant errors.


To be used in conjunction with --proj_win.


Save .vwip files (intermediate files for creating .match files). For parallel_bundle_adjust these will be saved in subdirectories, as they depend on the image pair. Must start with an empty output directory for this to work.


Turn on velocity aberration correction for Optical Bar and non-ISIS linescan cameras (Section 11.4.2). This option impairs the convergence of bundle adjustment.


Turn on atmospheric refraction correction for Optical Bar and non-ISIS linescan cameras. This option impairs the convergence of bundle adjustment.

--threads <integer (default: 0)>

Set the number threads to use. 0 means use the default defined in the program or in ~/.vwrc. Note that when using more than one thread and the Ceres option the results will vary slightly each time the tool is run.

--cache-size-mb <integer (default = 1024)>

Set the system cache size, in MB, for each process.


Use the CSM model with DigitalGlobe linescan cameras (-t dg). No corrections are done for velocity aberration or atmospheric refraction.

-v, --version

Display the version of software.