8.23. Declassified satellite images: KH-4B

ASP has support for the declassified high-resolution CORONA KH-4B images. This support is very experimental, and the user is advised to use caution.

These images can be processed using either optical bar (panoramic) camera models or as pinhole camera models with RPC distortion. Most of the steps are similar to the example in Fig. 8.20. The optical bar camera model is based on [SCS03] and [SKY04], whose format is described in Section 20.3.

8.23.1. Fetching the data

KH-4B images are available via the USGS Earth Explorer, at


(an account is required to download the data). We will work with the KH-4B image pair:


To get these from Earth Explorer, click on the Data Sets tab and select the three types of declassified data available, then in the Additional Criteria tab choose Declass 1, and in the Entity ID field in that tab paste the above frames (if no results are returned, one can attempt switching above to Declass 2, etc). Clicking on the Results tab presents the user with information about these frames.

Clicking on Show Metadata and Browse for every image will pop-up a table with meta-information. That one can be pasted into a text file, named for example, DS1105-2248DF076.txt for the first image, from which later the longitude and latitude of each image corner will be parsed. Then one can click on Download Options to download the data.

8.23.2. Stitching the images

Each downloaded image will be made up of 2-4 portions, presumably due to the limitations of the scanning equipment. They can be stitched together using ASP’s image_mosaic tool (Section 16.31).

For some reason, the KH-4B images are scanned in an unusual order. To mosaic them, the last image must be placed first, the next to last should be second, etc. In addition, as seen from the tables of metadata discussed earlier, some images correspond to the Aft camera type. Those should be rotated 180 degrees after mosaicking, hence below we use the --rotate flag for that one. The overlap width is manually determined by looking at two of the sub images in stereo_gui.

With this in mind, image mosaicking for these two images will happen as follows:

image_mosaic DS1105-2248DF076_d.tif  DS1105-2248DF076_c.tif              \
  DS1105-2248DF076_b.tif  DS1105-2248DF076_a.tif -o DS1105-2248DF076.tif \
  --ot byte --overlap-width 7000 --blend-radius 2000
image_mosaic DS1105-2248DA082_d.tif DS1105-2248DA082_c.tif               \
  DS1105-2248DA082_b.tif  DS1105-2248DA082_a.tif -o DS1105-2248DA082.tif \
  --ot byte --overlap-width 7000 --blend-radius 2000 --rotate

In order to process with the optical bar camera model these images need to be cropped to remove the most of empty area around the image. The four corners of the valid image area can be manually found by clicking on the corners in stereo_gui. Note that for some input images it can be unclear where the proper location for the corner is due to edge artifacts in the film. Do your best to select the image corners such that obvious artifacts are kept out and all reasonable image sections are kept in. ASP provides a simple Python tool called historical_helper.py to rotate the image so that the top edge is horizontal while also cropping the boundaries. Pass in the corner coordinates as shown below in the order top-left, top-right, bot-right, bot-left (column then row). This is also a good opportunity to simplify the file names going forwards.

This tool expects the convert tool, part of the ImageMagick software.

historical_helper.py rotate-crop --input-path DS1105-2248DA082.tif  --output-path aft.tif \
  --interest-points '4523 1506  114956 1450  114956 9355  4453 9408'
historical_helper.py rotate-crop --input-path DS1105-2248DF076.tif  --output-path for.tif \
  --interest-points '6335 1093  115555 1315  115536 9205  6265 8992'

8.23.3. Fetching a ground truth DEM

To create initial cameras to use with these images, and to later refine and validate the terrain model made from them, we will need a ground truth source. Several good sets of DEMs exist, including SRTM, ASTER, and TanDEM-X. Here we will work with SRTM, which provides DEMs with a 30-meter post spacing. The bounds of the region of interest are inferred from the tables with meta-information from above. We will use wget to fetch https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/provisional/MEaSUREs/NASADEM/Eurasia/hgt_merge/n31e099.hgt.zip

and also tiles n31e100 and n31e101. After unzipping, these can be merged and cropped as follows:

dem_mosaic n*.hgt --t_projwin 99.6 31.5 102 31 -o dem.tif

Determining these bounds and the visualization of all images and DEMs can be done in stereo_gui.

The SRTM DEM may need adjustment, as discussed in Section 8.22.4.

8.23.4. Creating camera files

ASP provides the tool named cam_gen that, based on a camera’s intrinsics and the positions of the image corners on Earth’s surface will create initial camera models that will be the starting point for aligning the cameras.

To create optical bar camera models, an example camera model file is needed. This needs to contain all of the expected values for the camera, though image_size, image_center, iC, and IR can be any value since they will be recalculated. The pitch is determined by the resolution of the scanner used, which is seven microns. The other values are determined by looking at available information about the satellite. For the first image (DS1105-2248DF076) the following values were used:

image_size = 13656 1033
image_center = 6828 517
pitch = 7.0e-06
f = 0.61000001430511475
scan_time = 0.5
forward_tilt = 0.2618
iC = -1030862.1946224371 5468503.8842079658 3407902.5154047827
iR = -0.95700845635275322 -0.27527006183758934 0.091439638698163225 -0.26345593052063937 0.69302501329766897 -0.67104940475144637 0.1213498543172795 -0.66629027007731101 -0.73575232847574434
speed = 7700
mean_earth_radius = 6371000
mean_surface_elevation = 4000
motion_compensation_factor = 1.0
scan_dir = right

For a description of each value, see Section 20.3. For the other image (aft camera) the forward tilt was set to -0.2618 and scan_dir was set to ‘left’. The correct values for scan_dir (left or right) and use_motion_compensation (1.0 or -1.0) are not known for certain due to uncertainties about how the images were recorded and may even change between launches of the KH-4 satellite. You will need to experiment to see which combination of settings produces the best results for your particular data set.

The metadata table from Earth Explorer has the following entries for DS1105-2248DF076:

NW Corner Lat dec   31.266
NW Corner Long dec  99.55
NE Corner Lat dec   31.55
NE Corner Long dec  101.866
SE Corner Lat dec   31.416
SE Corner Long dec  101.916
SW Corner Lat dec   31.133
SW Corner Long dec  99.55

These correspond to the upper-left, upper-right, lower-right, and lower-left pixels in the image. We will invoke cam_gen as follows:

cam_gen --sample-file sample_kh4b_for_optical_bar.tsai --camera-type opticalbar \
  --lon-lat-values '99.55 31.266 101.866 31.55 101.916 31.416 99.55 31.133' \
  for.tif --reference-dem dem.tif --refine-camera -o for.tsai

cam_gen --sample-file sample_kh4b_aft_optical_bar.tsai --camera-type opticalbar
  --lon-lat-values '99.566 31.266 101.95 31.55 101.933 31.416 99.616 31.15' \
  aft.tif --reference-dem dem.tif --refine-camera -o aft.tsai

It is very important to note that if, for example, the upper-left image corner is in fact the NE corner from the metadata, then that corner should be the first in the longitude-latitude list when invoking this tool.

8.23.5. Bundle adjustment and stereo

Before processing the input images it is a good idea to experiment with reduced resolution copies in order to accelerate testing. You can easily generate reduced resolution copies of the images using stereo_gui as shown below.

stereo_gui for.tif aft.tif --create-image-pyramids-only
ln -s for_sub8.tif  for_small.tif
ln -s aft_sub8.tif  aft_small.tif
cp for.tsai for_small.tsai
cp aft.tsai aft_small.tsai

The new .tsai files need to be adjusted by updating the image_size, image_center (divide by resolution factor, which is 8 here), and the pitch (multiply by the resolution factor) to account for the downsample amount.

You can now run bundle adjustment on the downsampled images:

bundle_adjust for_small.tif aft_small.tif \
  for_small.tsai aft_small.tsai           \
  -t opticalbar                           \
  --max-iterations 100                    \
  --camera-weight 0                       \
  --tri-weight 0.1                        \
  --tri-robust-threshold 0.1              \
  --disable-tri-ip-filter                 \
  --skip-rough-homography                 \
  --inline-adjustments                    \
  --ip-detect-method 1                    \
  --datum WGS84                           \
  -o ba_small/run

The value of --tri-weight should be inversely proportional to ground-sample distance, so low-resolution (coarser) images should use a lower-value, as then multiplying by this weight will more accurately bring differences in units of meters to units of pixels.

8.23.6. Validation of cameras

An important sanity check is to mapproject the images with these cameras, for example as:

mapproject dem.tif for.tif for.tsai for.map.tif
mapproject dem.tif aft.tif aft.tsai aft.map.tif

and then overlay the mapprojected images on top of the DEM in stereo_gui. If it appears that the images were not projected correctly, or there are gross alignment errors, likely the order of image corners was incorrect. At this stage it is not unusual that the mapprojected images are somewhat shifted from where they should be, that will be corrected later.

This exercise can be done with the small versions of the images and cameras, and also before and after bundle adjustment.

8.23.7. Running stereo

Followed by stereo:

parallel_stereo for_small.tif aft_small.tif                        \
  ba_small/run-for_small.tsai ba_small/run-aft_small.tsai          \
  stereo_small_mgm/run --alignment-method affineepipolar           \
  -t opticalbar --skip-rough-homography --disable-tri-ip-filter    \
  --ip-detect-method 1 --stereo-algorithm 2

If stereo takes too long, and in particular, if the printed disparity search range is large (its width and height is more than 100 pixels), it is strongly suggested to run stereo with mapprojected images, per Section 6.1.7. Ensure the mapprojected images have the same resolution, and overlay them on top of the initial DEM first, to check for gross misalignment.

See Section 6 for a discussion about various speed-vs-quality choices in stereo.

8.23.8. DEM generation and alignment

Next, a DEM is created:

point2dem --stereographic --proj-lon 100.50792 --proj-lat 31.520417 \
  --tr 30 stereo_small_mgm/run-PC.tif

Here we chose to use a stereographic projection, with its center not too far from the area of interest. This has the advantage that the grid size (--tr) is then expressed in meters, which is more intuitive than if it is in fraction of a degree as when the longlat projection is used.

This will create a very rough initial DEM. It is sufficient however to align and compare with the SRTM DEM:

pc_align --max-displacement -1                                      \
  --initial-transform-from-hillshading similarity                   \
  --save-transformed-source-points --num-iterations 0               \
  --max-num-source-points 1000 --max-num-reference-points 1000      \
  dem.tif stereo_small_mgm/run-DEM.tif -o stereo_small_mgm/run

point2dem --stereographic --proj-lon 100.50792 --proj-lat 31.520417 \
  --tr 30 stereo_small_mgm/run-trans_source.tif

This will hopefully create a DEM aligned to the underlying SRTM. Consider examining in stereo_gui the left and right hillshaded files produced by pc_align and the match file among them, to ensure tie points among the two DEMs were found properly (Section 16.62.8).

There is a chance that this may fail as the two DEMs to align could be too different. In that case, one can re-run point2dem to re-create the DEM to align with a coarser resolution, say with --tr 120, then re-grid the SRTM DEM to the same resolution, which can be done as:

pc_align --max-displacement -1 dem.tif dem.tif -o dem/dem             \
  --num-iterations 0 --max-num-source-points 1000                     \
  --max-num-reference-points 1000 --save-transformed-source-points

point2dem --stereographic --proj-lon 100.50792 --proj-lat 31.520417   \
  --tr 120 dem/dem-trans_source.tif

You can then try to align the newly obtained coarser SRTM DEM to the coarser DEM from stereo.

8.23.9. Floating the intrinsics

The obtained alignment transform can be used to align the cameras as well, and then one can experiment with floating the intrinsics, as in Section 8.22.

8.23.10. Modeling the camera models as pinhole cameras with RPC distortion

Once sufficiently good optical bar cameras are produced and the DEMs from them are reasonably similar to some reference terrain ground truth, such as SRTM, one may attempt to improve the accuracy further by modeling these cameras as simple pinhole models with the nonlinear effects represented as a distortion model given by Rational Polynomial Coefficients (RPC) of any desired degree (see Section 20.1). The best fit RPC representation can be found for both optical bar models, and the RPC can be further optimized using the reference DEM as a constraint.

To convert from optical bar models to pinhole models with RPC distortion one does:

convert_pinhole_model for_small.tif for_small.tsai \
  -o for_small_rpc.tsai --output-type RPC          \
  --camera-to-ground-dist 300000                   \
  --sample-spacing 50 --rpc-degree 2

and the same for the other camera. Here, one has to choose carefully the camera-to-ground-distance. Above it was set to 300 km.

The obtained cameras should be bundle-adjusted as before. One can create a DEM and compare it with the one obtained with the earlier cameras. Likely some shift in the position of the DEM will be present, but hopefully not too large. The pc_align tool can be used to make this DEM aligned to the reference DEM.

Next, one follows the same process as outlined in Section 8.22 and Section 12.2.1 to refine the RPC coefficients. We will float the RPC coefficients of the left and right images independently, as they are unrelated. Hence the command we will use is:

bundle_adjust for_small.tif aft_small.tif                       \
  for_small_rpc.tsai aft_small_rpc.tsai                         \
  -o ba_rpc/run --max-iterations 200                            \
  --camera-weight 0 --disable-tri-ip-filter                     \
  --skip-rough-homography --inline-adjustments                  \
  --ip-detect-method 1 -t nadirpinhole --datum WGS84            \
  --force-reuse-match-files --reference-terrain-weight 1000     \
  --parameter-tolerance 1e-12 --max-disp-error 100              \
  --disparity-list stereo/run-unaligned-D.tif                   \
  --max-num-reference-points 40000 --reference-terrain srtm.tif \
  --solve-intrinsics                                            \
  --intrinsics-to-share 'focal_length optical_center'           \
  --intrinsics-to-float other_intrinsics --robust-threshold 10  \
  --initial-transform pc_align/run-transform.txt

Here it is suggested to use a match file with dense interest points. The initial transform is the transform written by pc_align applied to the reference terrain and the DEM obtained with the camera models for_small_rpc.tsai and aft_small_rpc.tsai (with the reference terrain being the first of the two clouds passed to the alignment program). The unaligned disparity in the disparity list should be from the stereo run with these initial guess camera models (hence stereo should be used with the --unalign-disparity option). It is suggested that the optical center and focal lengths of the two cameras be kept fixed, as RPC distortion should be able model any changes in those quantities as well.

One can also experiment with the option --heights-from-dem instead of --reference-terrain. The former seems to be able to handle better large height differences between the DEM with the initial cameras and the reference terrain, while the former is better at refining the solution.

Then one can create a new DEM from the optimized camera models and see if it is an improvement.

8.24. Declassified satellite images: KH-7

KH-7 was an effective observation satellite that followed the Corona program. It contained an index (frame) camera and a single strip (pushbroom) camera. ASP does not currently have a dedicated camera model for this camera, so we will have to try to approximate it with a pinhole model. Without a dedicated solution for this camera, you may only be able to get good results near the central region of the image.

For this example we find the following images in Earth Explorer declassified collection 2:


Make note of the lat/lon corners of the images listed in Earth Explorer, and note which image corners correspond to which compass locations.

After downloading and unpacking the images, we merge them with the image_mosaic tool. These images have a large amount of overlap and we need to manually lower the blend radius so that we do not have memory problems when merging the images. Note that the image order is different for each image.

image_mosaic DZB00401800038H025001_b.tif  DZB00401800038H025001_a.tif      \
  -o DZB00401800038H025001.tif  --ot byte --blend-radius 2000  --overlap-width 10000 \
image_mosaic DZB00401800038H026001_a.tif  DZB00401800038H026001_b.tif      \
  -o DZB00401800038H026001.tif  --ot byte --blend-radius 2000  --overlap-width 10000 \

For this image pair we will use the following SRTM images from Earth Explorer:

dem_mosaic n22_e113_1arc_v3.tif n23_e113_1arc_v3.tif -o srtm_dem.tif

(The SRTM DEM may need adjustment, as discussed in Section 8.22.4.)

Next we crop the input images so they only contain valid image area.

historical_helper.py rotate-crop --input-path DZB00401800038H025001.tif \
--output-path 5001.tif  --interest-points '1847 2656  61348 2599  61338 33523  1880 33567'
historical_helper.py rotate-crop --input-path DZB00401800038H026001.tif \
--output-path 6001.tif  --interest-points '566 2678  62421 2683  62290 33596  465 33595'

We will try to approximate the KH7 camera using a pinhole model. The pitch of the image is determined by the scanner, which is 7.0e-06 meters per pixel. The focal length of the camera is reported to be 1.96 meters, and we will set the optical center at the center of the image. We need to convert the optical center to units of meters, which means multiplying the pixel coordinates by the pitch to get units of meters.

Using the image corner coordinates which we recorded earlier, use the cam_gen tool to generate camera models for each image, being careful of the order of coordinates.

cam_gen --pixel-pitch 7.0e-06 --focal-length 1.96                             \
  --optical-center 0.2082535 0.1082305                                        \
  --lon-lat-values '113.25 22.882 113.315 23.315 113.6 23.282 113.532 22.85'  \
  5001.tif --reference-dem srtm_dem.tif --refine-camera -o 5001.tsai
cam_gen --pixel-pitch 7.0e-06 --focal-length 1.96                             \
  --optical-center 0.216853 0.108227                                          \
  --lon-lat-values '113.2 22.95 113.265 23.382 113.565 23.35 113.482 22.915'  \
  6001.tif --reference-dem srtm_dem.tif --refine-camera -o 6001.tsai

A quick way to evaluate the camera models is to use the camera_footprint tool to create KML footprint files, then look at them in Google Earth. For a more detailed view, you can mapproject them and overlay them on the reference DEM in stereo_gui.

camera_footprint 5001.tif  5001.tsai  --datum  WGS_1984 --quick \
  --output-kml  5001_footprint.kml -t nadirpinhole --dem-file srtm_dem.tif
camera_footprint 6001.tif  6001.tsai  --datum  WGS_1984 --quick \
  --output-kml  6001_footprint.kml -t nadirpinhole --dem-file srtm_dem.tif

The output files from cam_gen will be roughly accurate but they may still be bad enough that bundle_adjust has trouble finding a solution. One way to improve your initial models is to use ground control points. For this test case I was able to match features along the rivers to the same rivers in a hillshaded version of the reference DEM. I used three sets of GCPs, one for each image individually and a joint set for both images. I then ran bundle_adjust individually for each camera using the GCPs.

bundle_adjust 5001.tif 5001.tsai gcp_5001.gcp \
  -t nadirpinhole --inline-adjustments        \
  --num-passes 1 --camera-weight 0            \
  --ip-detect-method 1 -o bundle_5001/out     \
  --max-iterations 30 --fix-gcp-xyz

bundle_adjust 6001.tif 6001.tsai gcp_6001.gcp \
  -t nadirpinhole --inline-adjustments        \
  --num-passes 1 --camera-weight 0            \
  --ip-detect-method 1 -o bundle_6001/out     \
  --max-iterations 30 --fix-gcp-xyz

At this point it is a good idea to experiment with downsampled copies of the input images before running processing with the full size images. You can generate these using stereo_gui. Also make copies of the camera model files and scale the image center and pitch to match the downsample amount.

stereo_gui 5001.tif 6001.tif --create-image-pyramids-only
ln -s 5001_sub16.tif  5001_small.tif
ln -s 6001_sub16.tif  6001_small.tif
cp 5001.tsai  5001_small.tsai
cp 6001.tsai  6001_small.tsai

Now we can run bundle_adjust and parallel_stereo. If you are using the GCPs from earlier, the pixel values will need to be scaled to match the downsampling applied to the input images.

bundle_adjust 5001_small.tif 6001_small.tif              \
   bundle_5001/out-5001_small.tsai                       \
   bundle_6001/out-6001_small.tsai                       \
   gcp_small.gcp -t nadirpinhole -o bundle_small_new/out \
   --force-reuse-match-files --max-iterations 30         \
   --camera-weight 0 --disable-tri-ip-filter             \
   --skip-rough-homography                               \
   --inline-adjustments --ip-detect-method 1             \
   --datum WGS84 --num-passes 2

parallel_stereo --alignment-method homography                      \
  --skip-rough-homography --disable-tri-ip-filter                  \
  --ip-detect-method 1 --session-type nadirpinhole                 \
  5001_small.tif 6001_small.tif                                    \
  bundle_small_new/out-out-5001_small.tsai                         \
  bundle_small_new/out-out-6001_small.tsai                         \

As in Section 8.23, it is suggested to mapproject the images with these cameras onto the initial guess DEM, overlay all these in stereo_gui, and check if they roughly align.

It is suggested to run stereo with mapprojected images (Section 6.1.7). See also Section 6 for a discussion about various speed-vs-quality choices in stereo.

Write the intersection error image to a separate file:

gdal_translate -b 4 st_small_new/out-PC.tif st_small_new/error.tif

Looking at the error result, it is clear that the simple pinhole model is not doing a good job modeling the KH7 camera. We can try to improve things by adding a distortion model to replace the NULL model in the .tsai files we are using.

xp  = -1e-12
yp  = -1e-12
k1  = -1e-10
k2  = -1e-14
k3  = -1e-22
p1  = -1e-12
p2  = -1e-12
phi = -1e-12

Once the distortion model is added, you can use bundle_adjust to optimize them. See the section on solving for pinhole intrinsics in the KH4B example for details. We hope to provide a more rigorous method of modeling the KH7 camera in the future.

8.25. Declassified satellite images: KH-9

The KH-9 satellite contained one frame camera and two panoramic cameras, one pitched forwards and one aft. It is important to check which of these sensors your images are acquired with.

The frame camera is a regular pinhole model (Section 20.1). The images produced with it could be processed as for KH-7 (Section 8.24), SkySat (Section 8.22), or using Structure-from-Motion (Section 10).

This example describes how to process the the panoramic camera images. These images appear notably distorted at the corners. The processing is similar to handling KH-4B (Section 8.23) except that the images are much larger.

The ASP support for panoramic images is highly experimental. There is no reliable way of determining the camera orientation to use below. As of now, sometimes one may get plausible results, and sometimes this approach will fail. The use is strongly advised not to spend much time on this data until the support is improved.

For this example we use the following images from the Earth Explorer declassified collection 3:


Make note of the lat/lon corners of the images listed in Earth Explorer, and note which image corners correspond to which compass locations.

After downloading and unpacking the images, we merge them with the image_mosaic tool.

image_mosaic D3C1216-200548F040_a.tif  D3C1216-200548F040_b.tif  D3C1216-200548F040_c.tif \
  D3C1216-200548F040_d.tif  D3C1216-200548F040_e.tif  D3C1216-200548F040_f.tif            \
  D3C1216-200548F040_g.tif  D3C1216-200548F040_h.tif  D3C1216-200548F040_i.tif            \
  D3C1216-200548F040_j.tif  D3C1216-200548F040_k.tif  D3C1216-200548F040_l.tif            \
  --ot byte --overlap-width 3000 -o D3C1216-200548F040.tif
image_mosaic D3C1216-200548A041_a.tif  D3C1216-200548A041_b.tif  D3C1216-200548A041_c.tif \
  D3C1216-200548A041_d.tif  D3C1216-200548A041_e.tif  D3C1216-200548A041_f.tif            \
  D3C1216-200548A041_g.tif  D3C1216-200548A041_h.tif  D3C1216-200548A041_i.tif            \
  D3C1216-200548A041_j.tif  D3C1216-200548A041_k.tif --overlap-width 1000                 \
  --ot byte -o D3C1216-200548A041.tif  --rotate

These images also need to be cropped to remove most of the area around the images:

historical_helper.py rotate-crop --input-path D3C1216-200548F040.tif --output-path for.tif \
  --interest-points '2414 1190  346001 1714  345952 23960  2356 23174'
historical_helper.py rotate-crop --input-path D3C1216-200548A041.tif --output-path aft.tif \
  --interest-points '1624 1333  346183 1812  346212 24085  1538 23504'

For this example there are ASTER DEMs which can be used for reference. They can be downloaded from https://gdex.cr.usgs.gov/gdex/ as single GeoTIFF files. To cover the entire area of this image pair you may need to download two files separately and merge them using dem_mosaic.

As with KH-4B, this satellite contains a forward pointing and aft pointing camera that need to have different values for “forward_tilt” in the sample camera files. The suggested values are -0.174533 for the aft camera and 0.174533 for the forward camera. Note that some KH9 images have a much smaller field of view (horizontal size) than others!

image_size = 62546 36633
image_center = 31273 18315.5
pitch = 7.0e-06
f = 1.5
scan_time = 0.7
forward_tilt = 0.174533
iC = -1053926.8825477704 5528294.6575468015 3343882.1925249361
iR = -0.96592328992496967 -0.16255393156297787 0.20141603042941184 -0.23867502833024612 0.25834753840712932 -0.93610404349651921 0.10013205696518604 -0.95227767417513032 -0.28834146846321851
speed = 8000
mean_earth_radius = 6371000
mean_surface_elevation = 0
motion_compensation_factor = 1
scan_dir = right

Camera files are generated using cam_gen from a sample camera file as in the previous examples.

cam_gen --sample-file sample_kh9_for_optical_bar.tsai --camera-type opticalbar          \
  --lon-lat-values '-151.954 61.999  -145.237 61.186  -145.298 60.944  -152.149 61.771' \
  for.tif --reference-dem aster_dem.tif --refine-camera  -o for.tsai
cam_gen --sample-file sample_kh9_aft_optical_bar.tsai --camera-type opticalbar         \
  --lon-lat-values '-152.124 61.913  -145.211 61.156  -145.43 60.938  -152.117 61.667' \
  aft.tif --reference-dem aster_dem.tif --refine-camera  -o aft.tsai

As with KH-4B, it is best to first experiment with low resolution copies of the images. Don’t forget to scale the image size, center location, and pixel size in the new camera files!

stereo_gui for.tif aft.tif --create-image-pyramids-only
ln -s for_sub32.tif for_small.tif
ln -s aft_sub32.tif aft_small.tif
cp for.tsai for_small.tsai
cp aft.tsai aft_small.tsai

From this point KH-9 data can be processed in a very similar manner to the KH-4B example. Once again, you may need to vary some of the camera parameters to find the settings that produce the best results. For this example we will demonstrate how to use bundle_adjust to solve for intrinsic parameters in optical bar models.

Using the DEM and the input images it is possible to collect rough ground control points which can be used to roughly align the initial camera models.

bundle_adjust for_small.tif for_small.tsai    \
  ground_control_points.gcp -t opticalbar     \
  --inline-adjustments --num-passes 1         \
  --camera-weight 0 --ip-detect-method 1      \
  -o bundle_for_small/out --max-iterations 30 \

bundle_adjust aft_small.tif aft_small.tsai    \
  ground_control_points.gcp -t opticalbar     \
  --inline-adjustments --num-passes 1         \
  --camera-weight 0 --ip-detect-method 1      \
  -o bundle_aft_small/out --max-iterations 30 \

Now we can do a joint bundle adjustment. While in this example we immediately attempt to solve for intrinsics, you can get better results using techniques such as the --disparity-list option described in Section 8.23 and Section 8.22 along with the reference DEM. We will try to solve for all intrinsics but will share the focal length and optical center since we expect them to be very similar. If we get good values for the other intrinsics we could do another pass where we don’t share those values in order to find small difference between the two cameras. We specify intrinsic scaling limits here. The first three pairs are for the focal length and the two optical center values. For an optical bar camera, the next three values are for speed, motion_compensation_factor, and scan_time. We are fairly confident in the focal length and the optical center but we only have guesses for the other values so we allow them to vary in a wider range.

bundle_adjust left_small.tif right_small.tif          \
  bundle_for_small/out-for_small.tsai                 \
  bundle_aft_small/out-aft_small.tsai                 \
  -t opticalbar -o bundle_small/out                   \
  --force-reuse-match-files --max-iterations 30       \
  --camera-weight 0 --disable-tri-ip-filter           \
  --skip-rough-homography --inline-adjustments        \
  --ip-detect-method 1 --datum WGS84 --num-passes 2   \
  --solve-intrinsics                                  \
  --intrinsics-to-float "focal_length optical_center
    other_intrinsics"                                 \
  --intrinsics-to-share "focal_length optical_center" \
  --ip-per-tile 1000                                  \
  --intrinsics-limits "0.95 1.05 0.90 1.10 0.90 1.10
     0.5 1.5 -5.0 5.0 0.3 2.0" --num-random-passes 2

These limits restrict our parameters to reasonable bounds but unfortunately they greatly increase the run time of bundle_adjust. Hopefully you can figure out the correct values for scan_dir doing long optimization runs using the limits. The --intrinsic-limits option is useful when used in conjunction with the --num-random-passes option because it also sets the numeric range in which the random initial parameter values are chosen from. Note that --num-passes is intended to filter out bad interest points while --num-random-passes tries out multiple random starting seeds to see which one leads to the result with the lowest error.