.. _parallel_bundle_adjust: parallel_bundle_adjust ---------------------- The ``parallel_bundle_adjust`` program is a modification of ``bundle_adjust`` (:numref:`bundle_adjust`) designed to distribute some of the preprocessing steps over multiple processes and multiple computing nodes. It uses GNU Parallel to manage the jobs in the same manner as ``parallel_stereo``. For information on how to set up and use the node list see :numref:`parallel_stereo`. The ``parallel_bundle_adjust`` tool has three processing steps: statistics, matching, and optimization. Only the first two steps can be done in parallel, and in fact after you have run steps 0 and 1 in a folder with ``parallel_bundle_adjust``, you could just call regular ``bundle_adjust`` to complete processing in the folder. Steps 0 and 1 produce the ``*-stats.tif`` and ``*.match`` files that are used in the last step. In particular, if you would like to repeat bundle adjustment, regular ``bundle_adjust`` would suffice as well, since the supporting data are already created. If you would like to do some other experiments with the cameras or the options of the tools, in a different output folder, you can first copy there the existing content of an existing run, and as before, call ``bundle_adjust``, rather than its parallel version. (Also consider using ``--force-reuse-match-files`` and ``--skip-matching``, to prevent ``bundle_adjust`` to try again to compute match files if the cameras are too new or if some match file computation failed before and if it is likely to fail again if re-attempted.) The match files created by this tool can be used by ``bundle_adjust`` and ``parallel_stereo`` via the options ``--match-files-prefix`` and ``--clean-match-files-prefix``. Command-line options for ``parallel_bundle_adjust``: --nodes-list The list of computing nodes, one per line. If not provided, run on the local machine. -e, --entry-point Bundle adjustment entry point (start at this stage). Options: statistics = 0, matching = 1, optimization = 2. --stop-point Bundle adjustment stop point (stop *before* this stage). Options: statistics = 0, matching = 1, optimization = 2, all = 3. --verbose Display the commands being executed. --processes The number of processes to use per node. The default is to use as many processes as cores. --threads The number of threads to use. --cache-size-mb Set the system cache size, in MB, for each process. -v, --version Display the version of software. -h, --help Display the help message.