.. _orbitviz: orbitviz -------- Produces a Google Earth KML file useful for visualizing camera positions. The input for this tool is one or more images and camera files. .. figure:: ../images/orbitviz_ge_result_600px.png :name: orbitviz_example :alt: KML visualization Example of a KML visualization produced with ``orbitviz`` depicting camera locations for the Apollo 15 Metric Camera during orbit 33 of the Apollo command module. Usage:: orbitviz [options] Command-line options for orbitviz: -o, --output The output kml file that will be written. --linescan-line Get the camera position at this pixel line. --linescan-sample Get the camera position at this pixel sample. -s, --model-scale Scale the size of the coordinate axes by this amount. Ex: To scale axis sizes up to Earth size, use 3.66. -u, --use-path-to-dae-model Use this dae model to represent camera location. *Google Sketch up can create these.* -r, --reference-spheroid Use this reference spheroid (datum). Options: - WGS_1984 - D_MOON (1,737,400 meters) - D_MARS (3,396,190 meters) - MOLA (3,396,000 meters) - NAD83 - WGS72 - NAD27 - Earth (alias for WGS_1984) - Mars (alias for D_MARS) - Moon (alias for D_MOON) -t, --session-type Select the input camera model type. Normally this is auto-detected, but may need to be specified if the input camera model is in XML format. See :numref:`parallel_stereo_options` for options. --load-camera-solve Use a specialized display for showing the results of the ``camera_solve`` tool. When using this option, only pass in the path to the ``camera_solve`` output folder as a positional argument. Green lines drawn between the camera positions indicate a successful interest point match between those two images. --hide-labels Hide image names unless the camera is highlighted. --bundle-adjust-prefix Use the camera adjustment obtained by previously running bundle_adjust with this output prefix. --write-csv Write a csv file with the orbital data. --threads Select the number of threads to use for each process. If 0, use the value in ~/.vwrc. --cache-size-mb Set the system cache size, in MB. --tile-size Image tile size used for multi-threaded processing. --no-bigtiff Tell GDAL to not create bigtiffs. --tif-compress TIFF compression method. -v, --version Display the version of software. -h, --help Display this help message.