.. _correlator-mode: Image correlator ---------------- The ``parallel_stereo`` program (:numref:`parallel_stereo`) can function purely as an image correlator, that is, it can find the disparity between two given images without assuming any cameras are present and without generating a point cloud. This mode assumes that the images are already roughly aligned, up to a translation. Hence, the images can be either raw but with no large rotation/shear/scale differences, or mapprojected, or to be portions of aligned images ``L.tif`` and ``R.tif`` (:numref:`outputfiles`) as created by ASP itself. See also ``corr_eval`` (:numref:`corr_eval`) a program for estimating the quality of the disparity at each pixel. Usage:: parallel_stereo --correlator-mode \ Example:: parallel_stereo --correlator-mode run/run-L.tif run/run-R.tif \ run_corr/run This will create the filtered subpixel disparity ``run_corr/run-F.tif`` (:numref:`outputfiles`). All the usual options of ``parallel_stereo`` apply. See :numref:`nextsteps` for a discussion regarding various quality vs speed tradeoffs. Since the images are assumed to be aligned, the program will set the alignment method to ``none``. If desired to not use an initial low-resolution correlation, set ``--corr-seed-mode 0``. To skip preprocessing (if invoked previously), or to avoid subpixel refinement or filtering, use the options ``--entry-point`` and ``--stop-point``.