.. _outputfiles: Guide to output files ===================== The ``parallel_stereo`` tool generates a variety of intermediate files that are useful for debugging. These are listed below, along with brief descriptions about the contents of each file. Some of these files are stored at the location given by the specified output prefix, while others are in subdirectories of that location corresponding to individual tiles created by ``parallel_stereo``. The files are listed based on the stereo stage they are created at (:numref:`parallel_stereo`). Files created in preprocessing ------------------------------ \*-cropped\*.tif - cropped versions of the inputs, before alignment, when ``--left-image-crop-win`` and/or ``--right-image-crop-win`` are used. \*.vwip - image feature files If ``alignment-method`` is not ``none``, the Stereo Pipeline will automatically search for image features to use for tie-points. Raw image features are stored in ``*.vwip`` files; one per input image. For example, if your images are ``left.cub`` and ``right.cub`` you'll get ``left.vwip`` and ``right.vwip``. Note: these files can also be generated by hand (and with finer grained control over detection algorithm options) using the ``ipfind`` utility. \*.match - image to image tie-points The match file lists a select group of unique points out of the previous ``.vwip`` files that have been identified and matched in a pair of images. For example, if your images are ``left.cub`` and ``right.cub`` you'll get a ``left__right.match`` file. The ``.vwip`` and ``.match`` files are meant to serve as cached tie-point information, and they help speed up the pre-processing phase of the Stereo Pipeline: if these files exist then the ``parallel_stereo`` program will skip over the interest point alignment stage and instead use the cached tie-points contained in the ``*.match`` files. In the rare case that one of these files did get corrupted or your input images have changed, you may want to delete these files and allow ``parallel_stereo`` to regenerate them automatically. This is also recommended if you have upgraded the Stereo Pipeline software. Both ``.vwip`` and ``.match`` files can be visualized in ``stereo_gui`` (:numref:`stereo_gui`), and ``.match`` files can be converted to plain text for inspection with ``parse_match_file.py`` (:numref:`parse_match_file`). \*-L.tif - rectified left input image Left input image of the stereo pair, after the pre-processing step, which may involve cropping, normalization of pixel values, and alignment. \*-R.tif - rectified right input image Right input image of the stereo pair, after the pre-processing step, which may involve cropping, normalization of pixel values, and alignment. \*-lMask.tif - mask for left rectified image This file and \*-rMask.tif contain binary masks for the input images. They are used throughout the stereo process to mask out pixels where there is no input data. \*-rMask.tif - mask for right rectified image See \*-lMask.tif, above. \*-align-L.exr - left alignment matrix The 3 |times| 3 affine transformation matrices that are used to warp the left and right images to roughly align them. This file and \*-align-R.exr are only generated if ``alignment-method`` is not ``none`` in the ``stereo.default`` file. Normally, a single transform is enough to warp one image to another (for example, the right image to the left). The reason we use two transforms is the following: after the right image is warped to the left, we would like to additionally transform both images so that the origin (0, 0) in the left image would correspond to the same location in the right image. This will somewhat improve the efficiency of subsequent processing. \*-align-R.exr - right alignment matrix. See \*-align-L.exr, above. \*bathy_mask\*.tif - data related to water-land masks, for stereo with shallow water (:numref:`shallow_water_bathy`). \*-L_sub.tif, \*-R_sub.tif, \*-lMask_sub.tif, \*-rMask_sub.tif are low-resolution versions of the aligned left and right input images and corresponding masks. \*-stereo.default - backup of the Stereo Pipeline settings file This is a copy of the ``stereo.default`` file used by ``parallel_stereo``. It is stored alongside the output products as a record of the settings that were used for this particular stereo processing task. Files created during correlation -------------------------------- \*-D_sub.tif - Low-resolution initial disparity. Computed at the correlation stage. Not recomputed when a run is resumed. The options ``--corr-seed-mode 2`` and ``3`` also produce \*-D_sub_spread.tif, which has the spread of this disparity. \*-D.tif - Full-resolution disparity map produced from the low-resolution disparity. It contains integer values of disparity that are used to seed the subsequent sub-pixel correlation phase. It is largely unfiltered, and may contain some bad matches. Disparity map files are stored in OpenEXR format as 3-channel, 32-bit floating point images. (Channel 0 = horizontal disparity, channel 1 = vertical disparity, and channel 2 = good pixel mask.) \*-L-R-disp-diff.tif - the discrepancy between left-to-right and right-to-left disparities. See option ``--save-left-right-disparity-difference`` in :numref:`stereodefault` for more details. \*-PC_sub.tif - triangulated point cloud image. Made from the low-resolution disparity ``D_sub.tif`` (created after filtering this disparity; will be written unless disparity filtering is disabled, see ``outlier-removal-params``). Files created during blending ----------------------------- \*-B.tif - disparity map blending the D.tif results from all tiles. Will be produced unless using the ``asp_bm`` stereo algorithm without local epipolar alignment. Files created during refinement ------------------------------- \*-RD.tif - disparity map after sub-pixel correlation This file contains the disparity map after sub-pixel refinement. Pixel values now have sub-pixel precision, and some outliers have been rejected by the sub-pixel matching process. File created during filtering ----------------------------- \*-F-corrected.tif - intermediate data product Only created when ``alignment-method`` is not ``none``. This is ``*-F.tif`` with effects of interest point alignment removed. \*-F.tif - filtered disparity map The filtered, sub-pixel disparity map with outliers removed (and holes filled with the inpainting algorithm if ``FILL_HOLES`` is on). This is the final version of the disparity map. \*-GoodPixelMap.tif - map of good pixels. An image showing which pixels were matched by the stereo correlator (gray pixels), and which were filled in by the hole filling algorithm (red pixels). Files created at triangulation ------------------------------ \*-PC.tif - point cloud image The point cloud image is generated by the triangulation phase of Stereo Pipeline. Each pixel in the point cloud image corresponds to a pixel in the left input image (\*-L.tif). The point cloud has four channels, the first three are the Cartesian coordinates of each point, and the last one has the intersection error of the two rays which created that point (:numref:`triangulation_error`). By default, the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system being used is a point in the neighborhood of the point cloud. This makes the values of the points in the cloud relatively small, and we save them in single precision (32 bits). This origin is saved in the point cloud as well using the tag ``POINT_OFFSET`` in the GeoTiff header. To output point clouds using double precision with the origin at the planet center, call ``stereo_tri`` with the option ``--save-double-precision-point-cloud``. This can effectively double the size of the point cloud. If the option ``--compute-error-vector`` (:numref:`triangulation_options`) or ``--propagate-errors`` (:numref:`error_propagation`) is set, the point cloud will have 6 channels. The first 3 channels store, as before, the triangulated points. \*-PC-center.txt - the point cloud rough center of gravity. Stored in plain text. Has the same information as the ``POINT_OFFSET`` header in ``PC.tif``. Other files created at all stages --------------------------------- \*-log* - Each program writes in the output prefix location (or tile location for ``parallel_stereo``) a log file containing the command name, build information, and various messages output by that program. \*--resource-usage.txt - For Linux, write such a file for each ``parallel_stereo`` tile, containing the elapsed time and memory usage, as output by ``/usr/bin/time``. .. _poly_files: Format of polygon files ----------------------- The ``stereo_gui`` program can read and write polygons stored in plain text with a ``.txt`` or ``.csv`` extension. The x and y coordinates are stored as columns side-by side. Individual polygons are separated by an empty line. A color for the polygons is specified as a line of the form: ``color = red``. The given color applies to all polygons on subsequent lines until overridden by another such statement. An example use is in :numref:`plot_poly`. Inspection and properties of the output files --------------------------------------------- All the output images that are single-band can be visualized in ``stereo_gui`` (:numref:`stereo_gui`). The disparities can be first split into the individual horizontal and vertical disparity files using ``disparitydebug`` (:numref:`disparitydebug`), then they can be seen in this viewer as well. If the input images are map-projected (georeferenced) and the alignment method is ``none``, all the output images listed above, will also be georeferenced, and hence can be overlayed in ``stereo_gui`` on top of the input images (the outputs of ``disparitydebug`` will then be georeferenced as well). The point cloud file saves the datum (and projection if available) inferred from the input images, regardless of whether these images are map-projected or not. The ``point2mesh`` (:numref:`point2mesh`) and ``point2dem`` (:numref:`point2dem`) programs can be used to convert the point cloud to formats that are easier to visualize. .. |times| unicode:: U+00D7 .. MULTIPLICATION SIGN