.. _parse_match_file: parse_match_file.py ------------------- This tool reads an ASP match file in binary format as written by ``ipmatch`` (:numref:`ipmatch`), ``bundle_adjust`` (:numref:`bundle_adjust`), or ``stereo`` (:numref:`outputfiles`), and writes it as a text file, with each line having an interest point and other associated information. The first half of the file has interest points for the left image, and the second half has corresponding points in the right image. It is assumed that the version of Python in the path has the ``numpy`` and ``argparse`` packages installed and that ``parse_match_file.py`` is in the path. Example:: python $(which parse_match_file.py) run/run-left__right.match \ run/run-matches.txt The reverse of this operation can be performed as:: python $(which parse_match_file.py) -rev run/run-matches.txt \ run/run-left__right.match Note that the second invocation does not result in exactly the same match file as the original one, as the descriptors for each interest point are ignored on reading the text file. In practice that is not important, as descriptors are needed only when the interest point matches are created. Other functionality which may be used to understand interest points is the option ``--save-cnet-as-csv`` in ``bundle_adjust`` which saves the interest point matches in the plain text format used by ground control points (GCP). This tool also saves a file named ``final_residuals_pointmap.csv`` in the output directory which has for each set of matching interest points the triangulated world position and the error of re-projecting such a point back in the cameras (:numref:`bundle_adjust`).