.. _parallel_sfs: parallel_sfs ------------ The program ``parallel_sfs`` is a wrapper around ``sfs`` (:numref:`sfs`) meant to divide the input DEM into tiles with overlap, run ``sfs`` on each tile as multiple processes, potentially on multiple machines, and then merge the results into a single output DEM. It has the same options as ``sfs``, and a few additional ones, as outlined below. An example for how to invoke this program is in :numref:`parallel_sfs_usage`. See :numref:`sfs_usage` for the larger context. If having many computing nodes, the option ``--nodes-list`` must be set, to ensure all nodes are used. Usage:: parallel_sfs -i -n -o \ [other options] Command-line options for ``parallel_sfs``: --tile-size Size of approximately square tiles to break up processing into (not counting the padding). --padding How much to expand a tile in each direction. This helps with reducing artifacts in the final mosaicked SfS output. --processes Number of processes to use on each node (the default is for the program to choose). --num-processes Same as ``--processes``. Used for backwards compatibility. --nodes-list A file containing the list of computing nodes, one per line. If not provided, run on the local machine. See also :numref:`pbs_slurm`. --threads How many threads each process should use. This will be changed to 1 for ISIS cameras when ``--use-approx-camera-models`` is not set (:numref:`sfs`), as ISIS is single-threaded. Not all parts of the computation benefit from parallelization. --parallel-options Options to pass directly to GNU Parallel. --resume Resume a partially done run. Only process the tiles for which the desired per-tile output files are missing or invalid (as checked by ``gdalinfo``). --suppress-output Suppress output of sub-calls. -v, --version Display the version of software. -h, --help Display the help message.