.. _ortho2pinhole: ortho2pinhole ------------- Given an orthoimage, a raw image, and a sample pinhole camera model having camera intrinsics, this program computes a new pinhole camera model that best reflects how the orthoimage was created from the raw image, so it adds the extrinsic parameters (camera position and orientation) to the model. Example invocation:: ortho2pinhole raw_image.jpg ortho_image.tif \ sample_model.tsai output_model.tsai \ --camera-height 1459.9561 \ --orthoimage-height 886.5911 The .tsai pinhole model format is described in :numref:`pinholemodels`. The option ``--reference-dem`` can be used to specify a DEM from which to extract the ground height, instead of using the value in ``--orthoimage-height``. As a way of verifying the results, the ``mapproject`` program can be used to project the raw image with the produced camera model onto the reference DEM. The resulting image should have a similar position and orientation on the ground as the orthoimage. More context is given in :numref:`sfmicebridge`. Command-line options for ``ortho2pinhle``: --camera-estimate An estimated camera model used for location and pose estimate only. --max-translation The maximum distance the camera solution is allowed to move from camera-estimate. --camera-height The approximate height above the datum, in meters, at which the camera should be. If not specified, it will be read from the orthoimage metadata. --orthoimage-height The approximate height above the datum, in meters, at which the orthoimage is positioned. We assume flat ground. See also ``--reference-dem``. --reference-dem If provided, extract from this DEM the heights above the ground rather than assuming the value in ``--orthoimage-height``. --ip-per-tile How many interest points to detect in each 1024^2 image tile (default: automatic determination). --ip-detect-method Interest point detection algorithm (0: Integral OBALoG, 1: OpenCV SIFT (default), 2: OpenCV ORB. --minimum-ip Don't create a camera model if fewer than this many interest point matches were found. --ip-inlier-factor Interest points inlier factor. --individually-normalize Individually normalize the input images instead of using common values. --skip-image-normalization Skip the step of normalizing the values of input images. --short-circuit No processing, just copy input intrinsic parameters to camera-estimate and write out. --show-error Print point error. --keep-match-file Don't delete the .match file after running. --write-gcp-file Write a ``bundle_adjust``-compatible GCP file (:numref:`bagcp`). --crop-reference-dem Crop the reference DEM to a generous area to make it faster to load. -v, --version Display the version of software. -h, --help Display the help message. .. |times| unicode:: U+00D7 .. MULTIPLICATION SIGN