.. _image_align: image_align ------------ The program ``image_align`` aligns a second image to a first image. In the produced aligned second image, each feature has the same row and column coordinates as in the first image. It can return a transform in pixel space and one in planet's coordinate system. Several alignment transforms are supported. The alignment transform is determined with subpixel precision and is applied using bilinear interpolation. Features are matched among the images using either interest points or a disparity produced with ASP's correlation algorithms. If the first image is georeferenced, the second aligned image will use the same georeference as the first one. The first image and second aligned image can then be blended with ``dem_mosaic`` (:numref:`dem_mosaic`). The images are expected to have a single band and have float or integer values. If the images have more than one band, only the first one will be read. The processing is done in double precision. The default output pixel value value is ``float32``, as casting to integer may result in precision loss. Since the first image is kept fixed, if portions of the second aligned image move higher or more to the left than the upper-left corner of the first image, those extra portions will be cut. In that case it is suggested to reverse the order of images when invoking this tool. The alignment transform can be saved, and a custom alignment transform can be applied instead of the one found automatically. The interest point matches which determine the alignment transform can be saved as well. This tool extends the co-registration functionality of CASP-GO (:numref:`casp_go`). Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: image_align image1.tif image2.tif -o image2_align.tif Using a disparity produced from correlation:: parallel_stereo --correlator-mode --stereo-algorithm asp_mgm \ --subpixel-mode 2 image1.tif image2.tif run/run-corr image_align image1.tif image2.tif \ --output-image image2_align.tif --output-prefix run/run \ --disparity-params "run/run-corr-F.tif 1000000" Here, the option ``--correlator-mode`` enforces that the disparity is between the initial images rather than internally aligned versions of them. Also, no triangulation happens, so ``parallel_stereo`` stops at computing the filtered disparity ``F.tif``. Note that ``--subpixel-mode 2`` will be quite slow but produce good results. See :numref:`running-stereo` for the choices when it comes to stereo algorithms and subpixel methods, and :numref:`correlator-mode` for the image correlator functionality. The disparity will be computed from the first to second image, but the alignment transform is from the second to first image, so the disparity and this transform will show opposite trends. Application for alignment of DEMs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Given a DEM, it can be treated as an image with float values, or an image can be produced from it with the ``hillshade`` command (:numref:`hillshade`), or, if the DEM is obtained from a stereo point cloud with ``point2dem``, an orthoimage in one-to-one correspondence with this DEM can be created with the ``--orthoimage`` option of this tool (:numref:`point2dem`). In either case, given two DEMs, ``dem1.tif`` and ``dem2.tif``, their corresponding images can be aligned to each other as:: image_align image1.tif image2.tif --output-prefix run \ --alignment-method translation -o image2_align.tif Then, the alignment transform can be used to align the second DEM to the first, as:: image_align dem1.tif dem2.tif \ --input-transform run/run-transform.txt \ -o dem2_align.tif It appears that applying this tool on the DEMs themselves may result in more accurate results than if applied on their hillshaded images. (Consider also using for hillshading the tool ``gdaldem hillshade``, :numref:`gdal_tools`.) If the DEMs have very different grids and projections, regridding them with ``gdalwarp`` may make them easier to align (invoke this tool with cubic spline interpolation). Note that the alignment transform is a 3x3 matrix and can be examined and edited. Its inputs and outputs are 2D pixels in *homogeneous coordinates*, that is, of the form (*x*, *y*, *1*). It is able to model affine and homography transforms in the pixel plane. See the related tool ``pc_align`` (:numref:`pc_align`) for alignment of point clouds. That one is likely to perform better than ``image_align``, as it makes use of the 3D nature of of point clouds, the inputs need not be gridded, and one of the clouds can be sparse. .. _image_align_ecef_trans: Determination of ECEF transform ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the images are georeferenced, this program can find the approximate 3D transform around the planet that brings the second image in alignment with the first one. It is assumed that there exist DEMs associated with these images, from which the 3D coordinates of the locations of interest point matches are determined, and the best-fit 3D transform is computed. Example:: image_align img1.tif img2.tif \ -o img2_align.tif \ --ecef-transform-type translation \ --dem1 dem1.tif --dem2 dem2.tif \ --output-prefix run/run This will save ``run/run-ecef-transform.txt`` in the ``pc_align`` format (rotation + translation + scale, :numref:`alignmenttransform`). This transform can be passed to ``pc_align`` in order to transform a point cloud (:numref:`prevtrans`), and to ``bundle_adjust`` if desired to transform cameras (:numref:`ba_pc_align`). If no DEMs exist, the images themselves can be used in their place. The grayscale values will be interpreted as heights above the datum in meters. The ``image_calc`` program (:numref:`image_calc`) can modify these values before the DEMs are passed to ``image_align``. It is suggested to use ``--ecef-transform-type rigid`` if it is thought that a rotational component exists. Note that this will produce a rotation + translation around planet center, rather than a local "in-plane" transform, so it can be hard to interpret. A similarity transform can be used when there is a difference in scale. Note that this transform is an approximation. It is not possible to precisely convert a 2D transform between images to a 3D transform in ECEF unless the underlying terrain is perfectly flat. Usage ~~~~~ :: image_align [options] \ -o Command-line options for image_align ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --output-image, -o Specify the output image. --output-prefix If set, save the interest point matches and computed transform (in plain text) using this prefix. --alignment-transform Specify the transform to use to align the second image to the first. Options: ``translation``, ``rigid`` (translation + rotation), ``similarity`` (translation + rotation + scale), ``affine``, ``homography``. --output-data-type, -d The data type of the output file. Options: ``uint8``, ``uint16``, ``uint32``, ``int16``, ``int32``, ``float32``, ``float64``. The values are clamped (and also rounded for integer types) to avoid overflow. --ip-per-image How many interest points to detect in each image (default: automatic determination). --num-ransac-iterations How many iterations to perform in RANSAC when finding interest point matches. --inlier-threshold The inlier threshold (in pixels) to separate inliers from outliers when computing interest point matches. A smaller threshold will result in fewer inliers. --disparity-params Find the alignment transform by using, instead of interest points, a disparity, such as produced by ``parallel_stereo --correlator-mode``. Specify as a string in quotes, in the format: "disparity.tif num_samples". --input-transform Instead of computing an alignment transform, read and apply the one from this file. Must be stored as a 3x3 matrix. --ecef-transform-type Save the ECEF transform corresponding to the image alignment transform to ``-ecef-transform.txt``. The type can be: 'translation', 'rigid' (rotation + translation), or 'similarity' (rotation + translation + scale). See :numref:`image_align_ecef_trans` for an example. --dem1 The DEM associated with the first image. To be used with ``--ecef-transform-type``. --dem2 The DEM associated with the second image. To be used with ``--ecef-transform-type``. --threads Select the number of threads to use for each process. If 0, use the value in ~/.vwrc. --cache-size-mb Set the system cache size, in MB. --tile-size Image tile size used for multi-threaded processing. --no-bigtiff Tell GDAL to not create bigtiffs. --tif-compress TIFF compression method. -v, --version Display the version of software. -h, --help Display this help message.