.. _image2qtree: image2qtree ----------- ``image2qtree`` turns a georeferenced image (or images) into a quadtree with geographical metadata. For example, it can output a kml file for viewing in Google Earth. Command-line options for image2qtree: --help Display a help message. -o, --output-name Specify the base output directory. -q, --quiet Quiet output. -v, --verbose Verbose output. --cache Cache size, in megabytes. --force-wgs84 Use WGS84 as the input images' geographic coordinate systems, even if they’re not (old behavior). --pixel-scale Scale factor to apply to pixels. --pixel-offset Offset to apply to pixels. --normalize Normalize input images so that their full dynamic range falls in between [0,255]. -m, --output-metadata Specify the output metadata type. --file-type Output file type. --channel-type Output (and input) channel type. --module-name The module where the output will be placed. Ex: marsds for Uniview, or Sol/Mars for Celestia. --terrain Outputs image files suitable for a Uniview terrain view. Implies output format as PNG, channel type uint16. Uniview only. --jpeg-quality JPEG quality factor (0.0 to 1.0). --png-compression PNG compression level (0 to 9). --palette-file Apply a palette from the given file. --palette-scale Apply a scale factor before applying the palette. --palette-offset Apply an offset before applying the palette. --tile-size Tile size, in pixels. --max-lod-pixels Max LoD in pixels, or -1 for none (kml only). --draw-order-offset Offset for the ```` tag for this overlay (kml only). --composite-multiband Composite images using multi-band blending. --aspect-ratio Pixel aspect ratio (for polar overlays; should be a power of two). --north The northernmost latitude in degrees. --south The southernmost latitude in degrees. --east The easternmost longitude in degrees. --west The westernmost longitude in degrees. --sinusoidal Assume a sinusoidal projection. --mercator Assume a Mercator projection. --transverse-mercator Assume a transverse Mercator projection. --orthographic Assume an orthographic projection. --stereographic Assume a stereographic projection. --lambert-azimuthal Assume a Lambert azimuthal projection. --lambert-conformal-conic Assume a Lambert Conformal Conic projection. --utm Assume UTM projection with the given zone. --proj-lat The center of projection latitude (if applicable). --proj-lon The center of projection longitude (if applicable). --proj-scale The projection scale (if applicable). --std-parallel1 Standard parallels for Lambert Conformal Conic projection. --std-parallel2 Standard parallels for Lambert Conformal Conic projection. --nudge-x Nudge the image, in projected coordinates. --nudge-y Nudge the image, in projected coordinates.