.. _hiedr2mosaic: hiedr2mosaic.py --------------- Assemble a collection of HiRISE EDR files into a single image. This runs the sequence of ISIS preprocessing commands, followed by hijitreg, to assemble the input images into a single output image. You can either download the input files yourself and pass them all in or specify a download folder and pass in only a URL such as http://hirise-pds.lpl.arizona.edu/PDS/EDR/ESP/ORB_029400_029499/ESP_029421_2300/. If you use a URL, the program will attempt to download all of the HiRISE images found at that location and then run the processing script. See the "Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE" section in the examples chapter for a more detailed explanation. Usage:: hiedr2mosaic.py [options] Command-line options for hiedr2mosaic.py: --manual Display the help message. -w, --web Invokes spiceinit with web=true, to fetch the kernels from the web. -m, --match The CCD number passed as the match argument to noproj (default 5). --stop-at-no-proj Stops processing after the noproj steps are complete. --resume-at-no-proj Restarts processing using the results from ``--stop-at-no-proj``. --download-folder Download input files to this folder. Must pass in a URL instead of files. -t, --threads Specify the number of threads to use. -k, --keep Keep all intermediate files.